2024-08 |
初為人父的自我調適歷程:拉岡鏡像階段論的應用 |
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2024-06 |
具自理能力老人入住機構的身心調適歷程 |
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2024-06 |
台灣大學生親子溝通品質與生涯發展相關研究:自我概念和自我效能的中介作用 |
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2024-01 |
Hands-on interaction in the augmented reality (AR) chemistry laboratories enhances the learning effects of low-achieving students: a pilot study |
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2023-09 |
Risk of rapid progression to dialysis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without diabetes-related complications at diagnosis |
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2023-06 |
在COVID-19之下的心理適應議題:遠距心理諮商的應用 |
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2023-05 |
Daily association between parent-adolescent relationship and life satisfaction: The moderating role of emotion dysregulation |
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2023-01 |
兩岸大學生對於思覺失調症患者的汙名化態度之初步研究 |
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2019-06 |
消沉經驗與自體疾患:Kohut自體心理學之應用 |
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2016-12 |
大學生消沉傾向量表之發展研究 |
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2016-12 |
休閒生活對於職家衝突的調節效果 |
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2013-06 |
消沉心態量表之效度概化研究 |
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2013-03 |
博士媽媽向前走:女性多重角色與進修博士的困境與進路 |
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2012-12 |
快樂的員工更有生產力嗎?組織支持與工作態度之雙重影響 |
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