Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-16 of 16
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-06 Drawing tool incorporating tangible user interface concepts enhancing children's understanding and development of color cognition article web page(92)
2022-12 Introducing and Clarifying the Ideas Makes Team Work Successful article web page(117)
2022-07 擴增實境教材與平面教材對於幼兒認知物體特徵的影響 article web page(128)
2022-05 Effect of colour sensing and drawing pen on children’s colour perception and feature detection of objects when drawing article web page(152)
2020-09 增進幼兒創造力之團隊互動遊具設計研究 article pdf(265)
2020-03 通訊軟體LINE貼圖使用率與使用者對話脈絡的關係 article pdf(205)
2018-06 行動購物程式之操作介面改善對網購者信任度的影響 periodical articles pdf(292)
2017-05 Validation of A Brainstorming Tool "IDEATOR" periodical articles pdf(200)
2016-04 Dissimilarities of designer ideation by identified searching-retrieving behavior in referencing online-offline material periodical articles pdf(214)
2016-03 Effects of color temperature and luminance of LEDs on color judgements involving various printing materials article web page(287)
2016-02 Development of a mobile app for generating creative ideas based on exploring designers’ on-line resource searching and retrieval behavior periodical articles pdf(270)
2009-01 Roles of Referring-Sketching Action for the Design Ideation periodical articles pdf(289)
2008-12 探究設計師概念構思過程中的搜尋行為特性 periodical articles pdf(238)
2008-09 Study on Searching-retrieving Behaviour in Designers` Ideation Process article pdf(219)
2007-07 設計行動學 article web page(194)
2004-07 中文成語情緒意象與文字編排形式關係之研究 article web page(158)
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