Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 64
Date Title Type Full Text
2009-05 The Effectiveness of Intervention on the Behavior of Individuals With Autism. A Meta-Analysis Using Percentage of Data Points Exceeding the Median of Baseline Phase (PEM) article web page(1157)
2009 Comparison of the relative effectiveness of different kinds of reinforcers: A PEM approach article pdf(925)
2009 The Effect Size of Variables Associated With Creativity: A Meta-Analysis article pdf(894)
2008-11 Factors Associated with Students` Achievement: A Synthesis of NELS Results article web page(1416)
2007-06 教育學門國際期刊評比之研究 article
2007-06 後設分析之方法論問題之探討 article
2007-03 Factors Leading to School Dropout: A Meta-analysis article pdf(2055)
2007 Effects of treatment on disruptive behaviors: A quantitative synthesis of single-subject researches using the PEM approach article pdf(839)
2006-10 A Synthetic Analysis of the Effectiveness of Single components and Packages in Creativity Training Programs article pdf(833)
2006-09 An alternative method for quantitative synthesis of single-subject researches: Percentage of data points exceeding the median article web page(1338)
2006-08 1990年代兩岸教育改革中高等教育分權化成功之要素:法制化 article pdf(3415)
2006 Effectiveness of interventions influencing academic behaviors: A quantitative synthesis of single-subject researches using the PEM approach. article pdf(983)
2005-02 Implication of comparison of international competitiveness for educational policymaking: The case of Taiwan, article pdf(1384)
2004-12 Comparison of Science and Engineering Education Technology Production and Competitiveness of Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait article pdf(2196)
2004-09 國內教育學門學術期刊評比 article
2002-08 教育改革研究成果之綜合分析 article pdf(949)
2002-04 犯罪理論之統合分析:以社會進化論與行為增強理論為軸 article pdf(1067)
2001-06 犯罪理論之統合分析-以自陳犯罪之研究報告為樣本 article pdf(2259)
2000-11 德國統一對師資培育的衝擊 article
2000-06 教育與經濟關係之檢定 article pdf(1172)
2000-04 功能文換理論之道德觀 article
1999-12 高職免試入學理念之檢定 article pdf(1107)
1999-06 線性結構模式在教育研究上的應用及所遭遇之問題 article pdf(785)
1999-06 線性結構模式在教育上的應用及所遭遇之問題 article web page(496)web page(644)
1999-04 國內教育相關期刊排序 article pdf(1158)