
Showing 1-25 of 38
Date Title Type Full Text
2006 Language and Toughts of the 20-44-year-old Public of Taiwan: What They Say and Think About Creativity conference
2006 Language and Toughts of the 45-69-year-old Public of Taiwan: What They Say and Think About Creativity conference
2005 教師實務知識改變的經驗、看法與構想之調查研究:以台灣93學年度國中自然與生活科技領域小組召集人為例 conference
2004 普羅大眾說出創造力的語言及其反映的思維:以2003年6-19歲社群為例 conference
2004 普羅大眾說出創造力的語言及其反映的思維:以2003年台灣6-19歲社群為例 conference
2004 普羅大眾說出創造力的語言及其反映的思維:以台灣20-44歲社群為例 conference
2004 學術社群說出創造力的語言及其反映的思維:以三大創造力研究文本為例 conference
2004 幽默訓練融入綜合活動度國一學生創造思考與人際關係之影響 conference
2004 Creating metaphors to speak for the connections between modernity postmodernity and the curriculum in Taiwan: The fish swimming in the water conference
2004 魚兒魚兒水中游:創造譬喻述說現代性、後現代性與九年一貫課程 conference
2004 School change through teacher change in curriculum integration conference
2003 「創造力」的語言與思維:創造力研究與幼兒創造力研究中的創造力 conference
2003 魚兒魚兒水中游:創造譬喻訴說現代與後現代的覺醒 conference
2003 認識「語言」:跨領域觀點初探 conference
2003 Teacher change and curriculum integration: Three stories from a case study conference
2002-12 初探創造力的語言與思維:一般創造力研究中的「創造力」 conference
2002-12 系統典範、系統理論、系統之探析 conference
2002 台灣教育系統與統整課程的關係:以譬喻道之、以演化觀點探之 conference
2002 Integrative partnership:Rationale amd model conference
2002 統整課程的課程發展:「系統分形模式」之建構與辯證 conference
2001-05 統整課程的課程發展:意義、模式、原理與運作規律 conference
2001 系統典範作為典範耀遷的一種可能性:並以探究「課程」實體為例 conference
2001 Making partnership much more Integrative:Developing four correlated connections conference
2000 教育實習歷程與政策的檢視分析:實務理論的觀點 conference
1999-05 九年一貫綜合活動學習領域綱要草案評析 conference