
Showing 1-25 of 27
日期 題名 類型 全文
2024-01 The Long-Term Health Effects of Early-Life Malaria Exposure: Evidence from Taiwan’s Malaria Eradication in the 1950s article 說明頁(35)
2023-08 運用層級分析法結合 HFACS 探討影響空軍航管飛安人為因素之研究 article 說明頁(188)
2021-10 The effect of sibship size on educational attainment of the first born: evidence from three decennial censuses of Taiwan article 說明頁(119)
2021-04 The effect of family size on parents` labor supply and occupational prestige: Evidence from Taiwan and Mainland China article pdf(199)
2021-03 臺灣財富分配2004–2014: 以個人財產登錄資料推估 article pdf(309)
2020-08 Patient Cost Sharing and Healthcare Utilization in Early Childhood article pdf(221)
2019-09 Patient Cost Sharing and Healthcare Utilization in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design article pdf(187)
2019-07 Uterus at a Price: Disability Insurance and Hysterectomy article pdf(257)
2019-04 Uterus at a Price: Disability Insurance and Hysterectomy article pdf(239)
2019-04 哪類孩子最受教?從政大校務資料看學生表現 article pdf(220)
2017-03 媒體報導對防疫管制的影響:以H1N1為例 article pdf(573)
2016-09 The timing of childbearing: The role of human capital and personal preferences article pdf(389)
2016-06 多「錢」入學?從政大學生組成看多元入學 article 說明頁(294)說明頁(89)
2014-01 Is There a Physician Peer Effect? Evidence from New Drug Prescriptions article pdf(1354)
2013.01 養雞生蛋或殺雞取卵:論期交稅之降稅效果 article pdf(1011)
2013 Hospital Ownership and Drug Utilization under a Global Budget: A Quantile Regression Analysis article pdf(1305)
2012.05 養雞生蛋或殺雞取卵:論期交稅之降稅效果 article pdf(804)
2011-09 如何使用健保資料推估社經變數 article pdf(846)
2011-08 部分負擔調整對醫療利用的衝擊:以2005年政策調整為例 article pdf(1029)
2010-09 加倍自然產支付能否降低剖腹產比例? article pdf(1167)
2008-12 降低部分負擔對幼兒醫療利用的影響:以北市兒童補助計畫為例 article pdf(990)
2008-03 如何使用健保資料進行經濟研究 article pdf(1255)
2007-12 賺得越少,洗得越多?--臺灣血液透析治療的誘發性需求探討 article pdf(1293)
2007-09 同步同幅調價---「聯合行為」或「平行行為」? article pdf(1124)
2004-12 居住住宅所有權屬與住宅品質對於老年人健康狀態的影響 article pdf(956)