
Showing 1-25 of 61
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-11 後疫情時代下翻轉教室的轉變—試論ADL學習模式 conference pdf(0)
2023-05 VTuber感染力、風格與閱聽眾情感依附關係初探 conference
2022-06 Multivariate time series analysis on variables that influence pandemic expansion conference web page(211)
2020-12 設計想像力—仿生設計結合Unity程式語言與擴增實境應用 conference web page(267)
2019-08 A Novel Evolution-Based Recommendation System conference pdf(250)
2019-08 The Matter of Deep Reinforcement Learning Towards Practical AI Applications conference pdf(191)
2019-07 Simulation analysis of IoT_based police force effectiveness on hostage rescue conference pdf(212)
2019-07 The Application of Game with Artificial Intelligence conference pdf(280)
2019-01 智慧觀光數位治理—台中市服務型觀光需求之創新市場調查評鑑 conference web page(225)
2018-08 Smart Orca: Using Interactive Toys as the English Learning Analytics Tool to Evaluate Learner Behavior conference web page(250)
2018-06 Evaluative Framework for Interactive Sensory and Emotional Design: Health Care Reminder on Computer Sedentary Groups conference pdf(289)
2017-12 Data Mining Techniques v.s. Policy Development: Evaluating advanced Applied Technological Policies and Emerging Communication Technology conference web page(247)
2017-12 Using English Learning Toys as the Emotional Analysis Tool to Evaluate Children Behavior conference pdf(260)
2017-11 夜市利害關係人與消費者之科技使用行為探究:參與治理觀點 conference web page(239)
2017-07 在STEAM教學架構下的創客教育:以數位內容與科技課程為例 conference web page(246)
2017-03 灌溉水遠端監測產品系統應用於水稻田間永續管理 conference web page(305)
2015-08 Designing an interactive map of musical culture and a digital humanity app conference pdf(509)
2015-07 運用Moodle學習平台融入教學對學 生態度與學習成效之影響 conference pdf(251)
2014-12 城鄉意象對觀光休閒品牌建構之影響--以宜蘭國際童玩節為例 conference pdf(157)
2014-10 The localization of praxis-oriented research: Creating service design applications conference web page(1910)
2014-07 專家與生手教師使用平板電腦教學模式與學生學習成效分析 conference web page(392)
2013.12 社群網路作為人際關係載體之資料探勘程式代理人 conference pdf(1215)
2013-11 Personalized game-based learning and mobile learning: The app game "the adventure of the Ch`ing Dynastry Treasures" conference web page(1360)
2013-08 Mobile Yilan: Enhancing visitor experiences in ubiquitous computing environments conference web page(1344)
2013-03 數位設計教學中人格特質、教學成效與學習效果關係之初探 會議論文 pdf(225)