2024-08 |
多角化及國際化程度對企業社會責任相對同業範疇表現之影響:已吸收餘裕的調節效果 |
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web page(63) |
2023-08 |
Interactive Effects of CEO’s Firm-Specific Experience and Versatile Experiences on Pursuit of New Growth Opportunity |
article |
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2021-08 |
Motivational system modulates brain responses during exploratory decision-making |
article |
pdf(413) |
2020-07 |
Electronic Integration and Capability Widening for OEM Suppliers: The Influence of Supplier Innovativeness and Product Modularity |
periodical articles |
pdf(317) |
2020-01 |
Edith Penrose`s under-explored insights in strategic management and international business research |
article |
web page(231) |
2019-06 |
The effect of institutional capabilities on e-business firms’ international performance |
article |
pdf(303) |
2019-06 |
The effect of institutional capabilities on E-business firms` international performance |
article |
pdf(238) |
2019-04 |
Context-bridging and context-embedded experience:Growth drivers of emerging economy business groups |
article |
pdf(329) |
2018-09 |
The effect of institutional capabilities on E-business firms` international performance |
article |
pdf(292) |
2018-05 |
Business Groups and Tax Havens |
article |
pdf(474) |
2017 |
Pre-entry experience and post-entry learning of the board of directors: implications for post-entry performance.’ Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal |
article |
pdf(429) |
2017 |
Pre-Market Entry Experience and Post-Market Entry Learning of the Board of Directors: Implications for Post-Entry Performance |
article |
web page(725) |
2016-10 |
Penrose`s The Theory ofthe Growth of the Firm: An Exemplar of Engaged Scholarship |
article |
pdf(850) |
2016-01 |
Business Groups and CSR Report Quality |
conference |
web page(689) |
2015-01 |
Foreign knowledge acquisition through inter-firm collaboration and recruitment: Implications for domestic growth of emerging market firms |
article |
pdf(742) |
2015 |
Re-conceptualizing Exploitative and Explorative FDI: A Balancing-Process Approach to Firm Internationalization |
article |
pdf(448) |
2014 |
新興國家企業如何透過海外關係增進能力 |
report |
web page(863) |
2012.08 |
新興國家企業如何透過海外關係增進能力 |
report |
web page(1105) |
2012 |
當代中國商管議題之整合研究-子計畫六:大陸企業國際化(II) |
report |
web page(1133) |
2011.11 |
The Relationship Between Location-bound Advantages and International Strategy: An Empirical Investigation |
article |
pdf(1080) |
2011.08 |
Ethnic ties, location choice, and firm performance in foreign direct investment: A study of Taiwanese business groups FDI in China |
article |
pdf(1378) |
2011-05 |
Country-of-origin and industry FDI agglomeration of foreign investors in an emerging economy |
article |
pdf(1378) |
2011 |
當代中國商管議題之整合研究-子計畫六:大陸企業國際化(I) |
report |
pdf(533) |
2011 |
企業特定的管理能力與環境變動(II) |
report |
pdf(280) |
2010-06 |
Business groups` outward FDI: A managerial resources perspective |
article |
pdf(1395) |