
Showing 1-25 of 299
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-07 The Effects of In-Group Identity and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Supervisors’ Discretionary Bonus Adjustments: Field Evidence from China article 說明頁(40)
2023-03 Does referral-based hiring exacerbate agency problems? article 說明頁(158)
2022-09 Target Setting in a Multi‐Task Environment: An Empirical Investigation article 說明頁(159)
2022-09 Learning in the Past, Looking to the Future: JMAR Lifetime Achievement Paper Fall 2022 article 說明頁(94)
2022-09 How multi-sourcing can influence management control: Case study evidence from the electronic products supply chain article 說明頁(31)
2021-10 Incentive Instruments and the Weighting of Performance Measures article 說明頁(140)
2021-03 A Sequence Analysis Approach to Segmenting Credit Card Customers article pdf(208)
2021-03 When Three’s (Good) Company: Third party Friendships on Cooperation across Departments article pdf(177)
2020-03 When Three`s (Good) Company: Third party Friendships on Cooperation across Departments article pdf(209)
2020-01 Investor Experience and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of External Cooperation article pdf(229)
2020-01 An Empirical Analysis of Employee Responses to Bonuses and Penalties article 說明頁(364)
2019-09 Leniency Bias in Subjective Performance Evaluation: Contextual Uncertainty and Employee Prior Performance article 說明頁(474)
2019-03 打造適合紡織業的ERP系統,減少溝通成本、提升作業效率 article 說明頁(424)
2019-02 Observed Issue Selling:The Effects of Role Models, Willingness to Issue Sell, and Inclusion in Decision Making article 說明頁(251)
2019-01 整合成本的「原因」及「結果」,解決痛點,年營收創歷史新高 article
2019-01 公司穩健經營就不需要轉型?該想的是未來10年、20年的發展 article 說明頁(363)
2018-12 中小企業都缺乏的「變革思維」:意識到所處行業可能的危機 article 說明頁(366)
2018-09 成本不是用「砍」的!會「管」成本才能真正獲利 article pdf(890)
2018-08 AVM協助企業再造,讓隱形成本現形 article pdf(239)
2018-08 平衡計分卡為甚麼沒效率?可能你只推了「KPI計分卡」 article pdf(779)
2018-08 作業價值管理(AVM):擺脫控成本的績效管理思維, article pdf(364)
2018-07 AVM誕生:以管理創新提升獲利 article pdf(373)
2018-06 工業、零售都進化成4.0,那你的管理制度升級了嗎? article pdf(627)
2018 企業升級轉型的關鍵資產:智慧資本,拋開成本與利潤導向思維,聚焦於不折舊的策略性智慧資本 article
2018 活用SO計分卡,推導出創新營運模式 article