Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 48
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-04 Balanced or imbalanced, that is the question: The effect of R&D/marketing power structure on new product development time article web page(33)
2022-01 為台灣量身打造CSR策略實戰守則 article web page(136)web page(148)
2019-07 The Effects of Logo Frame Design on Brand Extensions article pdf(457)
2018-10 Free the Brand: How a Logo Frame Influences the Potentiality of Brand Extensions article pdf(364)
2017-10 Exploring the Flow Experience in the Virtual World by the Auto-driving Method article pdf(474)
2017 Reviewing Regulatory Focus Based on Four Regulatory Forms article web page(512)
2015-12 The effects of hedonic and utilitarian bidding values on e-auction behavior article pdf(364)
2015-01 Customer`s perceived value of waiting time for service events article pdf(997)
2014.03 Position matters when we stand together: a linguistic perspective on composite brand extensions article pdf(1270)
2014-01 ConvenienceProbe: A phone-based system for retail trade-area analysis article pdf(680)
2013-07 Brand power index - using principal component analysis article pdf(858)
2013.06 Brand Power Index – Using Principal Component Analysis article pdf(1410)
2012-07 領導者特質、企業文化與品牌個性間之關係初探--長期歷史觀點 article pdf(1038)
2012 領導者特質、企業文化與品牌個性間之關係初探─長期歷史觀點 article pdf(1127)
2012 The Influences of Price Dispersion and the Manufacturer`s Suggested Price on Consumers` Boundaries of Acceptable Price: Expected Price as a Mediator article pdf(644)
2011-12 廣告量對品牌態度與購買率之長期影響 article pdf(1018)
2011-01 Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extension: the Roles of Case-based Reminding on Brand-to-brand Similarity article pdf(1185)
2011 Positioning Brand Extensions in Comparative Advertising: An Assessment of the Roles of Comparative Brand Similarity, Comparative Claims, and Consumer Product Knowledge article pdf(1168)
2011 Is the New Product Yours or Mine? A linguistic Perspective on Composite Brand Extensions. article web page(1446)
2009-04 贈品促銷深度對贈品組合評價影響之研究 article pdf(1180)
2009 A Research of the Effect of Gift Promotion and Its Spillover Effect article pdf(690)
2009 The Values and Lifestyles of Prior Mature Chinese Consumers article pdf(676)
2007-11 Acculturation Experiences of Taiwanese Students During Exchanges in the United States article pdf(1120)
2007-10 Effects of Brand-to-brand Similarity and Brand-to-attribute Similarity on Brand Extension Evaluation article pdf(1391)
2006 Building Marketing Strategies for State-Owned Enterprises against Private Ones Based on the Perspectives of Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality article pdf(3495)