Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-18 of 18
Date Title Type Full Text
2013 Cultural influences on the responses to indirect complaints article pdf(201)
2011.03 Learning How to Read Situations and Know What Is the Right Thing to Say or Do in an L2: A Study of Sociocultural Competence and Language Transfer article pdf(1411)
2008.03 Teaching and Learning Sociolinguistic Skills in University EFL Classes in Taiwan article pdf(1436)
2006 On the teaching and learning of L2 sociolinguistic competence in classroom settings article pdf(7047)
2006 Explorations in language and literacy learning: A two-year case study on a nine-year-old Chinese-English bilingual child’s Chinese invented spelling article pdf(588)
2005.12 Sociolinguistic competence: An often neglected and de-emphasized aspect of foreign language teaching article web page(1052)
2005.03 Sociolinguistic competence in the complimenting act of native Chinese and American English speakers: A mirror of cultural value article pdf(907)
2004.05 Multilingualism and language policy in Singapore: A historical perspective and its implications on Taiwan article web page(1310)
2004.03 Interlinguistic variation and similarity in second language speech act behavior article pdf(1353)
2004-03 Interlinguistic Variation and Similarity in Second Language Speech Act Behavior article pdf(629)
2003.11 On university of face: Evidence from Chinese compliment response behavior article pdf(1351)
2003.07 Innatist and social interactionist perspectives on language development article pdf(1140)
2003.06 Chinese Morphology: An exploratory study of second language learners`` acquisition of compounds article pdf(1948)
2003.03 On the appropriateness for introducing an early-start English curriculum at the primary grades in Taiwan article web page(1425)
2003-03 On the Appropriateness for Introducing an Early-Start English Curriculum at the Primary Grades in Taiwan article
2003 On the universality of face: evidence from Chinese compliment response behavior? article pdf(764)
2002 Developing the fluency of an overlooked dimension in L2: listening comprehension instruction for the Chinese college students in Taiwan article
1999-01 Universalistic and culture-specific perspectives on variation in the acquisition of pragmatic competence in an L2 article pdf(181)
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