Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 31
Date Title Type Full Text
2017-07 Gudeng Precision--Optimization of Cassette Mold Design article web page(373)
2016-10 Assessing Customer Retention in B2C Electronic Commerce: An Empirical Study article web page(625)
2016-04 北歐櫥窗:虛實整合的兩難 article web page(716)
2015-01 M-S-QUAL: Mobile service quality measurement article pdf(1309)
2014.05 How Does E-mail Use Affect Perceived Control of Time? article pdf(899)
2013.05 Exploring the effect of boundary objects on knowledge interaction article pdf(947)
2012.05 Investigating the Antecedents of Users’ Knowledge Sharing Intention article web page(1245)
2012-01 What type of learning style leads to online participation in the mixed-mode e-learning environment? A study of software usage instruction article pdf(1084)
2011-01 A quasi-experiment approach to study the effect of e-mail management training article pdf(1015)
2009-12 DO KNOWLEDGE WORKERS USE E-MAIL WISELY? article pdf(830)
2007-09 從情境觀點探討企業採用跨組織資訊系統之困難--臺灣電腦代工廠的個案研究 article pdf(1861)
2006-08 Tightening access policy: the hidden trade-off article pdf(2046)
2006-06 How R&D management practice affects innovation performance: An investigation of the high-tech industry in Taiwan article pdf(1491)
2005-07 The acceptance of women-centric websites article pdf(1661)
2005 Is revamping your website worthwhile? article pdf(1479)
2005 Customer-oriented financial service personalization article pdf(1457)
2005 A case study of a knowledge worker team in a virtual community article pdf(2099)
2004-06 顧客關係管理應用類別與認知成效之探討 article pdf(2145)
2003 Mobile Internet service usability in Taiwan article
2002-04 資訊科技促成企業轉型之關鍵成功因素 article pdf(1575)
2002-04 影響我國ISP業市場優勢之因素 article pdf(7060)
2000-03 企業特質與網際網路應用狀況之關聯 article pdf(2284)
1997-08-20 我國高科技產業生態探討 article pdf(950)
1997-05-21 資訊科技與企業競爭力 article pdf(977)
1997-03-19 電腦王國的省思 article pdf(959)