Date Title Type Full Text
2024-02 Some about NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages (LCSL) conference
2023-12 The Construction of the NCCU Shell Nouns Cross-Language Parallel Corpus (NCCU-SNPC) article web page(120)
2023-11 Spatial expressions in Too Loud a Solitude of Bohumil Hrabal in Czech and Chinese conference pdf(3)
2023-05 Czech instrumentals as shell nouns in L2 pedagogy article pdf(140)
2023-03 Remembering Professor Bohumil Palek (1936-2022) article web page(130)
2023-02 Pragmatické užití instrumentálu v češtině: z hlediska L2 pedagogiky book web page(212)
2023-02 [書評] 歐洲的無國家族群與區域語言:同化和復振 — 56個案研究 article pdf(132)
2023-02 Deverbální jmenné predikáty v konstrukcích se slovesem dělat v češtině z mezijazykové perspektivy article web page(112)
2022-10 The Information Packaging of the Do-Constructions in Chinese, Russian, and Czech conference web page(145)
2022-09 Pragmatic uses of Czech Instrumentals conference web page(118)
2022-08 我的第一堂捷語課 book web page(204)
2022-08 Cíl or Cílem: Another challenge for learners of Czech conference web page(143)
2022-08 K prefixům v češtině čínských rodilých mluvčích (論漢語母語者的捷克語動詞前綴) conference web page(143)
2022-06 Literary interactions between China and Czechia: A case study of “soft power” conference web page(166)
2022-02 中東歐文化:捷克篇I—捷克的語言、文學與文資 book/chapter
2021-08 A Cross-linguistic Study of DO-constructions in Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Czech conference web page(311)
2021-08 NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages (LCSL) conference
2021-08 The prominence of Aspect in Czech and Chinese – A learner corpus-based study conference
2021-05 Some differences between Czech and Chinese in the Grammatical Categories: With a focus on Tense and Aspect conference pdf(137)
2021-05 Some discussions on the specific grammatical categories of Czech and Chinese conference web page(397)
2021.03 Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition - Chinese learners of Czech book web page(282)
2021-01 以學生為中心的數位教學模組開發 - 以政治大學捷克語課程為例 conference
2020-09 Aktuální výzvy pro didaktiku češtiny jako cizího jazyka z hlediska její dynamiky book/chapter
2020-08 Language planning and language attitudes: A study of Czech university students’ position with respect to the Czech-Slovak language contact conference web page(536)
2020-06 What does Žítkovské bohyně tell us? – From a Taiwanese perspective conference