Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 Ant Forest - China`s low-carbon consumption practices driven by a community currency mechanism article web page(329)
2023-07 The Rise of Asia-Pacific Agribusiness in the Global South—The Corporate Food Regime Under the Third Regionalism article web page(113)
2023-06 Localization of the corporate food regime and the food sovereignty movement: taiwan’s food sovereignty movement under “third regionalism” article web page(220)
2023-03 Restoring the State Back to Food Regime Theory: China’s Agribusiness and the Global Soybean Commodity Chain article pdf(225)
2022-12 China’s Food Security Governance from a Hydraulic Society to a Corporate Food Regime and COVID-19 article web page(138)
2021-08 Bringing resource management back into the environmental governance agenda: eco-state restructuring in China article web page(67)
2021-03 COVID-19 疫情下的全球糧食安全 article pdf(304)
2020-02 農糧財團崛起下的中國大陸糧食安全治理 article pdf(205)
2017-10 Transnational Farmland Acquisition in the International Political Economy: Towards a Better Understanding of Theory, Approach, and Governance article pdf(439)
2017-10 The Evolution of Food Security Governance and Food Sovereignty Movement in China: An Analysis from the World Society Theory article web page(770)
2017-09 An Asian Way to Safeguard Food Security—Transnational Farmland Investment article web page(715)
2017-09 Securitization of Food Issues in the UN and China`s Food Security Governance article pdf(403)
2017-09 聯合國糧食議題安全化內容與中國糧食安全治理機制 article pdf(232)
2017-06 Change and Continuity in Chinese Environmental Governance Mechanisms : Diplomacy, Government, and the Chinese Communist Party article web page(690)
2017-06 中国環境ガバナンスにおけるメカニズム の変遷と継続―外交・内政・党建設からの分析― article pdf(97)
2017-01 State Capitalism and Chinese Food Security Governance article pdf(612)
2015-09 From Self-Sufficiency to Self-Supporting: China`s Food Security under Overseas Farmland Investment and International Norms article pdf(587)
2014.04 Same Evidences, Different Interpretations – A Comparison of the Conflict Index between the Interstate Dyadic Events Data and Militarized Interstate Disputes Data in Peace-Conflict Models article web page(1631)
2013.12 Growing Global Civil Society Complements Global Environmental Governance: Lessons learned from the Issue of the Lancang/Mekong Dam Projects article web page(1637)
2013-12 Growing Global Civil Society Complements Global Environmental Governance: Lessons Learned from the Lancang/Mekong Dam Projects article pdf(515)
2011.09 Reorienting Taiwan into the Chinese Orbit: Power Analysis of China``s Rise in Promotion of China``s One-China Principle in International Structures article pdf(1249)
2011.09 Re-Examining the Relationship between the Cross-Strait Interflow and Taiwan``s National Identity Preference article pdf(1254)
2009.12 Globalization, the State, and Cross-Strait Relations: Scenarios for Taiwan article pdf(1511)
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