
Showing 1-19 of 19
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-08 Individualism, economic development, and democracy as determinants of COVID-19 risk information on 132 government websites article 說明頁(87)
2023-07 從素養到行動:探討公民線上推理能力與查證分享行為的關係 article 說明頁(74)
2021-07 新冠肺炎的日常防疫行為:媒體、情緒與風險認知的作用 article pdf(241)
2021-05 Cause-Related Marketing in the Telecom Sector: Understanding the Dynamics Among Environmental Values, Cause-Brand Fit, and Product Type article pdf(260)
2021-04 公與私的交會:探討社交媒體、網路霸凌 與自我觀感之關聯性 article pdf(284)
2017-12 台灣青少年網路霸凌現況、原因與影響 article pdf(640)
2017-01 How Message Framing and Presentation Affect Pro-Environmental Behavioral Intentions: A Dual-Pathway Model Perspective article pdf(408)
2017-01 How Message Framing and Presentation Affect Pro-Environmental Behavioral Intentions: A DualPathway Model Perspective article pdf(475)
2017 Developing Communication Strategies for Mitigating Actions Against Global Warming: Linking Framing and a Dual Processing Model article 說明頁(901)
2017 以公眾認知為中心的氣候變遷風險溝通:理論與實踐 article pdf(186)
2016-07 社交網站與公眾參與:「Pansci泛科學臉書專頁」使用者研究 article pdf(644)
2016-07 奈米科技發展與政策之常民認知 article pdf(445)
2015-12 氣候變遷相關政策民意支持的多元面貌 article pdf(468)
2015-07 不同媒體平台對公眾參與科學決策能力之影響: 以奈米科技為例 article pdf(409)
2015-07 不同媒體平台對公眾參與科學決策能力之影響:以奈米科技為例 article pdf(532)
2015 Media and Public Ability to Participate In Scientific Decision-making: Using Nanotechnology as A Case Study article pdf(581)
2013.09 科學傳播與在地特色:以奈米科技為例 article pdf(909)
2013-09 Disagreement and value predispositions: Understanding public opinion about stem cell research article 說明頁(1590)
2013 News coverage of public health issues: The role of news sources and the processes of news construction book/chapter 說明頁(768)
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