Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 46
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-02 Post-training flexibility in category learning article web page(100)
2024-02 Why Do We Not Wear Masks Anymore during the COVID-19 Wave? Vaccination Precludes the Adoption of Personal Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions: A Quantitative Study of Taiwanese Residents article web page(94)
2023-12 文本情緒推論:開放式與封閉式詞彙分析比較 article web page(93)
2023-11 Generalization of category memberships is influenced by category accessibility in early training conference pdf(90)
2023-02 Taiwan National Suicide Prevention Hotline callers’ suicide risk level and emotional disturbance difference during and before COVID-19 article web page(110)
2022-11 Elimination of continued influence effect of misinformation by strong causal explanation in updating information conference pdf(61)
2021-11 Category variability effect and single category based strategy in categorization conference pdf(125)
2021-07 Exemplar account for category variability effect: Single category based categorization conference web page(246)
2020-11 Individual differences in categorization induced by focusing on exemplars of singular category conference pdf(154)
2019-11 Context-free knowledge partitioning in categorization conference pdf(813)
2019-11 Gender differences in topics of breakup posts on social media conference web page(438)
2019-09 社群媒體上分手文章的性別差異:文本分析取徑 article pdf(319)
2018-11 Application of Internet Methods in Psychology book pdf(311)
2018-11 Category generalization in partial XOR category structure: Knowledge partitioning account conference pdf(172)
2018-11 Relationships between personality, online behaviors, and the performance in the Iowa gambling task on Facebook conference web page(539)
2018-06 Cognitive ability and earnings performance: Evidence from double auction market experiments article pdf(522)
2017-11 Gender difference in the style of describing breakup experiences on social media conference pdf(224)
2017-11 Individual differences in categorization strategy and working memory capacity conference web page(384)
2017 依時變動函式的學習:實徵資料與理論模型 report pdf(339)
2016-11 A reference point explanation for XOR extrapolation in categorization with kernel methods conference pdf(226)
2016 人類蔬菜概念的類別結構:網路資料於心理學研究之範例 conference web page(807)
2016 知覺類別中的類別變異效果:以聽覺刺激為例。 article pdf(404)
2016 預測的心理基礎:實徵研究與理論模型 report web page(89)
2015 Learning of time varying functions is based on association between successive stimuli conference pdf(176)
2014-09 Category variability effect in category learning with auditory stimuli article web page(1022)