Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 33
Date Title Type Full Text
2011-03 The impact of management work habits on public sector performance: A study of local government managers article pdf(859)
2011 The Impact of Bad Management Work Habits on Public Sector Performance: A Study of Local Government Manager article web page(428)
2008-12 The Effective Manager….Takes A Break article pdf(295)
2008-11 Emergency Information Management and Public Disaster Preparedness: Lessons from the 2004 Florida Hurricane Season article pdf(287)
2008 Managing Emotional Intelligence in U.S. Cities: A Study of Public Managers article pdf(279)
2006-06 Municipal Support of Social Entrepreneurship article pdf(299)
2004 Ethics Training Efforts in U.S. Cities: Content and Impact. article web page(422)
2003-12 What is Managerial Mediocrity? Definition, Prevalence and Negative Impact (Part 1) article pdf(428)
2003-12 Solutions to the Problem of Managerial Mediocrity: Moving Up to Excellence (Part 2) article pdf(253)
2003 Audit Committees and Accountability in Local Government: A National Survey article pdf(389)
2002-04 Workplace Relations: Friendship Patterns and Consequences (According to Managers) article pdf(419)
2001-07 Hypotheses About Performance Measurement in Counties: Findings from a Survey article pdf(299)
2001-04 The Profession of Public Administration: An Ethics Edge in Introductory Textbooks? article pdf(247)
2001-03 From Traditional to Virtual HR: Is the Transition Occurring in Local Government? article pdf(302)
2001 The Impact of Revitalized Management on the Adoption of Information Technology article pdf(300)
2000-10 Performance Measurement in U.S. Counties: Capacity for Reform article pdf(323)
1999-09 Career Risk and Reward from Productivity article web page(666)
1999-03 Contemporary Public Sector Productivity Values: Narrower Scope, Tougher Standards, and New Rules of the Game article pdf(311)
1999 The Ethics of Productivity: Toward Increased Dialogue and Customer-Based Accountability article pdf(288)
1999 Using Performance Measurement in Human Resource Management: A Survey of U.S. Counties article pdf(290)
1998-08 Responsible Risk-Taking article pdf(226)
1997-07 Getting Support from City Council article web page(392)
1997-06 Administrative Creativity in Local Government article pdf(493)
1997-04 Dealing with Cynical Citizens article pdf(280)
1996-03 Local Government and Community-Based Strategies: Evidence from a National Survey of a Social Problem article pdf(238)