
Showing 1-11 of 11
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-07 The missing determinants of culture and gender? Bridging Multicultural Education and Education for the Aged conference web page(160)
2024-07 Bridging Multicultural Education and Education for the Aged: Intersectional Perspective (Panel:How is Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Possible in Higher Education?--Past, Present, and Future of Taiwan Experience) conference pdf(48)
2024-06 How is Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Possible at the institutional level? A Case of One Public University in Northern Taiwan conferernce web page(136)
2023-08 ‘I Do Not Need Professional Development in Multicultural Education’: Mapping Taiwanese Teachers’Imaginations conference web page(191)
2023-05 看見交織性的多元文化教育如何可能? conference pdf(240)
2023-03 權力與抗拒:從女同志案主諮商歷程與感受再探同志友善諮商 conference pdf(172)
2022-10 回應「教育不平等」的師資培育歷程圖像 —以「為台灣而教」為例 conference pdf(168)
2021-09 Distance teaching without ‘social distances’? Some pedagogical observations from Taiwan during COVID-19 outbreak conference pdf(249)
2019-08 Depositing` Multicultural Education? Exploring the Policy Gap between New Curriculum Guidelines and Teachers` Multicultural Literacy in Taiwan conference web page(350)
2019 具性別與多元文化交織敏感度的教育方案設計 —以越南跨文化質性田野研究為例 conference web page(419)
2017-08 Classroom Management in Transition: Challenges from Gender and Multicultural Perspectives conference pdf(225)
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