
Showing 1-20 of 20
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-08 印太地區地緣政治新形式與戰略調整 article 說明頁(64)
2023-02 The Maritime Silk Road Initiative and Its Implications for China’s Regional Policy article 說明頁(158)
2022-10 中共二十大後的美中關係走向與發展 article 說明頁(120)
2022-09 Income Inequality and the Allocation of China`s Foreign Aid article 說明頁(152)
2022-08 美中在太平洋島國之戰略佈局與前景 article 說明頁(143)
2022-06 南韓在美國與中國之間的避險戰略 article 說明頁(160)
2021-10 Way of Authoritarian Regional Hegemon? Formation of the RCEP from the Perspective of China article 說明頁(200)
2021-10 An Analysis of the Diplomatic Opportunities and Challenges of Vaccine Donations article 說明頁(145)
2021-05 The End of Washington`s Strategic Ambiguity? The Debate over US Policy toward Taiwan article pdf(221)
2020-12 美國對臺海危機之立場:戰略模糊或戰略清晰? article pdf(144)
2019-06 Why Do States Hedge in East Asia? An Empirical Study on Hedging article pdf(222)
2018-12 中美競逐影響力下的臺灣避險策略 article pdf(258)
2017-12 Understanding the Structures and Contents of National Interests-An Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling article pdf(129)
2017-02 Understanding the Structures and Contents of National Interests-An Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling article pdf(226)
2016-07 Common Interests and Two-Level Game Theory in the South China Sea Dispute article pdf(880)
2016-05 Taiwan’s Hedging Strategy-The Strategic Implications of Ma Ying-Jeou’s Mainland Policy article pdf(173)
2016-04 Alliance Commitment and the Maintenance of the Status Quo article pdf(233)
2014-09 Interest Similarity and Cross-Strait Peace article pdf(331)
2014-07 Interest Similarity and Cross-Strait Peace article pdf(189)
2014-01 Seeking Common Ground While Keeping Differences: Using the Case of the Cross-Strait Relations as A Case book pdf(314)
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