
Showing 26-50 of 80
Date Title Type Full Text
2015-03 武漢「行風連線」中的公眾回應性探討:新三明治式官僚控制 article pdf(517)
2015-02 Exam-centred meritocracy in Taiwan: Hiring by merit or examination? article pdf(821)
2015 我國行政機關內部人力市場人力流動之空間分析 report pdf(446)
2014.05 The Changing Policy-making Process in Greater China: Case Research from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong book/chapter 說明頁(2032)
2014 How far does bureaucracy control the agenda of government personnel administrative policy in Taiwan?: The case of law-making for civil service neutrality book/chapter 說明頁(680)
2014 Conclusion: Comparison and implications book/chapter 說明頁(598)
2013.09 Pursuing revenue autonomy or playing politics? Fiscal behaviour of local governments in Taiwan article pdf(1377)
2013-07 論公務人員考績問題:強制分配等級與權責相稱 article 說明頁(837)
2013.03 Civil Service Neutrality in Taiwan: Is It Neutrality with or without Dichotomy? article pdf(1386)
2013-03 Civil Service Neutrality in Taiwan: Is it Neutrality with or without Dichotomy? article pdf(320)
2012.12 Civic Engagement in the Performance Evaluation of the Public Sector in China: Building Horizontal Accountability to Enhance Vertical Accountability article pdf(1624)
2012-09 南轅北轍的議題與路徑:政治轉型下台灣與香港文官中立機制之比較 article pdf(757)
2012-06 Learning as a Key to Citizen-centred Performance Improvement: A Comparison between the Health Service Centre and the Household Registration Office in Taipei City article pdf(1337)
2012-05 歧異的議題與路徑:政治轉型下臺灣與香港文官中立機制之比較 conference pdf(799)
2012-04 彈性化改革下的政府契約人力定位與改革 article 說明頁(1159)
2012-01 我國政府機關績效管理行為之研究:績效的定義過程與行為互動 report pdf(1623)
2012-01 政府契約人力之政策定位與現實:政府內部人力市場之啟示 article pdf(1066)
2011-12 為什麼初任公務人員職位配置採用「分發」制度?一個歷史回顧分析 article pdf(3397)
2011-12 政策行銷與政府高階主管特別管理制度 article pdf(1166)
2011-08 民眾回應性、課責交待機制、績效管理設計:臺北市健康服務中心與戶政事務所之個案比較 article 說明頁(1061)
2011-05 政府契約人力之政策定位與現實:政府內部人力市場之啟示 conference pdf(893)
2011-04 績效行政:績效管理中的干擾系統 article 說明頁(1234)
2011 社經變遷下的責任政治:從比較觀點看大陸的基層治理-子計畫三:中國基層治理的創新─績效管理 report pdf(683)
2010-09 台灣政府機關人力進用彈性化改革之實證研究---以契約人力制度為例 report pdf(1090)
2010-07 從地方政府運用約聘僱人員之調查剖析我國公務人力制度之改革 article 說明頁(1068)