
Showing 101-120 of 120
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2003 Relative judgments in competitive contexts article pdf(1180)
2003 Party Bias in political advertising processing: results from an experiment involving the 1998 Taipei Mayor Election article pdf(727)
2002-11 大學生的政治媒介認知、政治媒介行為與其政治效能與政治參與之間的關係 article pdf(370)
2002-11 大學生的媒介認知,媒介行為與其政治效能與政治參與之間的關係 article pdf(1072)
2002-05 競選媒體使用對選民競選議題知識與政治效能感的影響-以兩千年台灣總統大選為例 article pdf(1044)
2002-01 競選新聞框架與競選廣告訴求之使用及其對選民政治效能感與信賴感的影響─以一九九八年台北市市長選舉為例 article
2002-01 競選新聞框架與廣告訴求對選民政治效能與信賴感的影響 article pdf(223)
2002 Communication strategy in Taiwan`s and U. S. corporate web pages: A cross-cultural comparison article
2002 Self-Congruency as a Cue in Different Advertising Processing Contexts article pdf(1325)
2001 The impact of emotion elicited by political advertising on candidate evaluations article pdf(1065)
2000-01 美國政治競選廣告效果研究的回顧 article pdf(1395)
2000 The effect of personality differences on product evaluations article
2000 Political advertising in Taiwan and the USA cross-cultural comparison of the 1996 president election campaigns article pdf(1369)
1999-05 女性候選人在選舉中的優劣勢─以八十六年台北縣縣長候選人周荃為例 article pdf(508)
1999-01 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果 article pdf(1767)
1999-01 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果效究 article 說明頁(580)
1998-05 廣告中的理想自我概念:自我追逐的目標抑或自我貶抑的肇因? article pdf(1074)
1997-01 Should women emote? Perceptual bias and opinion change in response to political ads for candidates of different genders article pdf(1233)
1997 Mass madia impact on voter response to women candidates: Theoeetical development article
1995-08 Effects of gender schematic processing on the reception of political commercials for men and women candidates article pdf(1348)