All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Articles)

Showing 5101-5125 of 5127
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-08 The Bureau of Sinology and Its Early Development, 1927–1934 吳欣芳、Wu, Hsin-fang article 說明頁(35)
2023-09 宋代的法術傳統:以王文卿及「玉樞五雷法」為中心 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei article 說明頁(31)
2023-06 評Roy Tseng, Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism 林遠澤 article 說明頁(34)
2023-09 The language of tactile thought 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony article 說明頁(35)
2024-06 Towards a More Resilient Ecosystem: Case Study of Open Government Data in Taiwan Lee, Pei-Chun、李沛錞 article 說明頁(38)
2023-11 繪本融入國小性平教育課程對於低年級學童身體自主權認知之影響 林巧敏、邱稚妍、Lin, Chiao-min、Chiu, Chih-yen article 說明頁(30)
2023-11 資訊科技融入國小英語教學前後對於學生學習成效及滿意度之分析 林巧敏、王俐蒓 article 說明頁(36)
2023-05 圖書館運用口述史料的倫理議題及其因應之道 林巧敏、李嘉臻、Lin, Chiao-min、Lee, Chia-chen article 說明頁(38)
2023-09 中國傳統醫學面對Covid-19之研究樣貌探討 張騰睿、周昱利、Chang, Teng-Jui、Zhou, Yu-Li article 說明頁(30)
2023-06 不當督導整合型架構:台灣文獻分析 張騰睿、林月雲、Chang, Teng-Jui、Lin, Yeh-Yun article 說明頁(30)
2023-09 EUMENOL—Merck’s Patent Emmenagogue and its Chinese Connections (1896–1961) 陳致宏、Chen, Chih-hung、Lee, Jen-der article 說明頁(35)
2023-09 二十世紀初德國人在吐魯番的考古探勘及其影響 陳致宏、Chen, Chih-hung article 說明頁(32)
2023-11 山岳 ・ 宗族・ 言路:明代許讚<華山賦>之士臣論述與史學詮讀 許東海 article 說明頁(15)
2023-10 二十一世紀大學課堂中的《殺夫》 陳佩甄 article 說明頁(19)
2023-12 Conventional Illocutions vs. Intentional Illocutions: How Is Illocutionary Disablement Possible? 鄭光明、Cheng, Kuang-ming article 說明頁(17)
2023-12 From Experiencing Truth to the Civil Service Examinations -- An Investigation of the Classical Exegesis in Chen Chen's Sishu qianshuo 陳逢源Chen, Feng-yuan article 說明頁(12)
2023-12 復其見天地之心: 重啟朱子之路的緣起及心得 陳逢源 article 說明頁(12)
2023-12 “The strange journey!”: the translation of Arsène Lupine by Zhou Shoujuan at the beginning of the Republic of China in Shanghai 陳碩文、Chen, Shuo-Win article 說明頁(13)
2023-12 另一種聲音—台灣原住民女性作家利格拉樂•阿𡠄的文學 崔末順 article
2023-09 跨宗教、跨派別、跨學科的性別研究─臺灣女神研究的越界交流 李玉珍 article 說明頁(14)
2022-06 Silence, Resolution, and Endurance: An Exploration of Grief Temporality in Bereaved Caregivers of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients 陳薈雅、李宛霖、林耀盛、Chen, Huei-ya、Lee, Wan-lin、Lin, Yaw-sheng article 說明頁(5)
2022-10 Being at Home: The Ethics of Home Care in the Light of Humanities-clinical Studies 陳薈雅、林雅萍、林耀盛、Chen, Huei-ya、Lin, Ya-ping、Lin, Yaw-sheng article 說明頁(11)
2023-01 A Preliminary Study on Participation Barriers of Intercultural and Intergenerational Co-Learning between Foreign Students and Senior Citizens 黃雅英、Huang, Ya-ying article 說明頁(14)
2024-02 Unveiling Community Resilience: The Integral Role of Public Libraries 李沛錞、Lee, Pei-Chun article 說明頁(16)
2023-11 Analyzing drama metadata through machine learning to gain insights into social information dissemination patterns 羅崇銘、Lo, Chung-Ming、Syu, Zih-Sin article 說明頁(10)