All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education)

Showing 6826-6850 of 6907
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-10 其實我不「壞」:毒品勒戒女受刑人與家人關係的生命故事探究 張盈堃、廖郁欣 conference pdf(1)
2022-08 Self-Cultivation and Spiritual Leadership of I-Kuan Tao Daozhang - Han Yu Lin 陳幼慧、Chen, Yu-hui conference pdf(33)
2022-11 白水老人韓雨霖生命史與「儒家收圓」思想初探 陳幼慧 conference pdf(87)
2021-07 教育哲學視角之素養導向教學與評量 陳幼慧 conference 說明頁(38)
2023-06 Quality and qualification of micro-credentials- measuring the emerging new mode of delivery in higher education 林芳伃、 蘇泓誠、Lin, Arianna Fang Yu、 Su, Edward、 Hou, Angela Yung Chi、 Chen, Ying conference pdf(72)
2023-02 Research of quality assurance regulatory modes on transnational higher education: Take Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia as case studies 林芳伃、Lin, Arianna Fang Yu conference 說明頁(38)
2021-11 大學生消沉傾向之發展與影響:現象探討與趨勢分析 吳珮瑀 report 說明頁(35)
2022-10 酒癮患者的消沉歷程與其早年生活經驗之探索 吳珮瑀 report 說明頁(33)
2021-03 諮商理論與技術-在社會工作之應用 吳珮瑀、羅幼瓊、楊顗帆、游以安、洪千惠、翁毓秀、籃文彬、彭武德、王大維、洪慧涓、鄒繼礎 book 說明頁(29)
2017-05 變革抗拒:哈佛組織心理學家教你不靠意志力,啟動變革開關 吳珮瑀、陸洛、吳欣蓓、張婷婷、樊學良、周君倚、陳楓媚、梁錦泉 book 說明頁(45)
2013-12 台港兩地工作者之工作壓力歷程─工作動機及因應策略之調節作用 吳珮瑀、林惠彥、陸洛、蕭愛鈴 book/chapter 說明頁(34)
2024-01 Hands-on interaction in the augmented reality (AR) chemistry laboratories enhances the learning effects of low-achieving students: a pilot study 吳珮瑀、Wu, Pei-Yu、Cheng, Yufang、Lee, Meng-Han、Yang, Chung-Sung article 說明頁(45)
2023-09 Risk of rapid progression to dialysis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without diabetes-related complications at diagnosis 吳珮瑀、Wu, Pei-Yu、Shih, Hong-Mo、Tsai, Wen-Chen、Chiu, Li-Ting、Kung, Pei-Tseng article 說明頁(37)
2016-12 大學生消沉傾向量表之發展研究 吳珮瑀、林清文、陸洛、Wu, Pei-yu、Lin, Ching-wen、Lu, Luo article 說明頁(24)
2016-12 休閒生活對於職家衝突的調節效果 吳珮瑀、陸洛、王玟心、Wu, Pei-yu、Lu, Luo、Wang, Wen-hsin article 說明頁(19)
2023-06 在COVID-19之下的心理適應議題:遠距心理諮商的應用 吳珮瑀 article 說明頁(22)
2012-12 快樂的員工更有生產力嗎?組織支持與工作態度之雙重影響 吳珮瑀、林惠彥、陸洛、吳婉瑜、Wu, Pei Yu、Lin, Hui Yen、Lu, Luo、Wu, Wan-Yu article 說明頁(31)
2023-01 兩岸大學生對於思覺失調症患者的汙名化態度之初步研究 吳珮瑀、曾華雯、Wu, Pei Yu、Tseng, Hua-Wen article 說明頁(30)
2013-06 消沉心態量表之效度概化研究 吳珮瑀、林清文、陸洛 article 說明頁(30)
2019-06 消沉經驗與自體疾患:Kohut自體心理學之應用 吳珮瑀、Wu, Pei Yu article 說明頁(34)
2013-03 博士媽媽向前走:女性多重角色與進修博士的困境與進路 吳珮瑀、吳佳慧、蕭高明、Wu, Pei-yu、Wu, Chia-hui、Hsia, Kao-ming article 說明頁(38)
2017-10 「消沉」─現代大學生的心理危機 吳珮瑀、張世樺 conference
2023-08 A Longitudinal Study on Self-affliction and Mental Health 吳珮瑀 conference 說明頁(41)
2016-07 Dose a Person with high Self-affliction Tendency Have fewer Positive Psychological capitals 吳珮瑀、Wu, Pei-Yu、Lin, Ching-Wen、Chang, Ching-Jan conference 說明頁(25)
2021-07 The Development and Influence of College Students' Self- Affliction Tendency 吳珮瑀、Wu, Pei-Yu conference 說明頁(28)