All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、Proceedings)

Showing 176-200 of 270
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-11 Daoist Manuscript and Ritual: A Study of the Dipper Ritual in Local Daoism 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2017-05 Local Daoist Visual Arts and Rituals: From Three Daoist Exhibitions to A Daoist Visual Art Project 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2016-04 Paintings, Statues and manuscripts: Daoist Collection of Lee Fongmao 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2014-06 語境傳承:聖嚴法師的文字化禪修體驗 李玉珍 conference 說明頁(393)
2016-07 跨地同坐一門禪修:法鼓山的國際法脈觀 李玉珍 conference 說明頁(443)
2017-02 The Buddhist Homeland and the International Lineage of Dharma Drum Meditation Groups in the USA 李玉珍、Li, Yu-Chen conference pdf(427)
2018-05 Buddhism and Society: The History and Contribution of Buddhist Education in Taiwan 沈美麗、Shen, Meilee conference 說明頁(589)
2019-05 《南遊雲水情》的僧尼比較:馬來西亞的移民佛教網絡 李玉珍 conference
201906 Buddhist Nuns and Women in Tang China 李玉珍 conference
2019-06 Contemporary Bhiksuni Sangha in Taiwan and Engaged Buddhism 李玉珍 conference
2019-06 Nuns’ Ordination: The Taiwanese Case 李玉珍 conference
2019-06 Taiwanese Nuns in the Contemporary Era 李玉珍 conference
2019-03 The International Network of Malaysian and Singapore Chinese Buddhism in Nanyou Yunshuiqing (Southward Travels: Buddhist Luminaries in Singapore and Malaysia from 1883 to 2005) 李玉珍 conference
2019-05 台灣佛教女性的利基 李玉珍 conference
2019-05 超越性的槓桿:媽祖、儀式與認同 李玉珍 conference
2019-07 Christian-Muslim Dialogue Perspectives of “The Muslim View of Christology” and “To Be a European Muslim” 林仁謙 conference pdf(187)
2019-10 台灣北部正一派道士譜系再續 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(209)
2019-06 由應入禪: 湖南新化佛教應門與禪門的互動與流動 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference
2019-11 多樣性與典型:歷史與當代地方醮儀 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(212)
2018-11 浙南文成畬族道教科儀文獻 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(219)
2019-12 設醮科:老挝藍靛瑤道教科儀文本初探〉 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(254)
2019-06 儀式分類與複合: 湖南新化的師道二教、佛道二教與應教 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference
2015-12 《道法海涵》與地方道教研究 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(204)
2020-04 典範重思:儀式分類詞彙與道教科儀架構 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(415)
2018-01 文昌信仰與道教朝儀:以《文昌注祿拜章道場儀》為中心 林振源、Lin, Chen-Yuan conference 說明頁(168)