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dc.contributor.advisorDennis Schillingen_US
dc.description.abstractVerbal communication is a kind of social behavior which denotes activities as transferring messages or exchanging feelings by means of language. Various communicative actions appear in our daily life. Refusals are one of their most common forms.\nThe performance of refusal speech varies greatly regarding to its objectives and contexts. The speech act of “indirect refusal”, for example, often occurs in situations where a younger person has to refuse a request of an elder one. “Direct refusal”, on the contrary, appears more in private occasions. Given the importance of context people with different cultural backgrounds easily fails to understand the more underlying pragmatic features of language.\nAlthough students of the Chinese language may gradually increase their lexical knowledge and become well-skilled in language performance, failures in decoding the pragmatic features still occur in many communicative situations. Even for advanced students understanding context poses a great challenge. Most teaching materials, however, focus on teaching vocabulary, phrases, and grammar. Some materials are designed according to various language competences. To lay focus on speech act sets, however, is still less common.\nThe present thesis aims to analyze the speech act of refusal in Mandarin Chinese and wants to apply its results to the practical use of teaching Chinese. For the research in communicative behavior, the author collected data and results from different sources: 1. personal recordings of verbal behavior; 2. questionnaire for verbal behavior in different communicative situations; 3. theoretical discussions.\nFirst, based on the dynamic features of verbal communication, the author discusses refusal as speech act and analyzes its pragmatic strategies and linguistic structures. Different forms of refusal as indirect refusal and false refusal will be treated separately. Furthermore, the results of linguistic analysis will be applied to instructions for teaching in the hope that language learners can enhance both their communicative and pragmatic capabilities in a more efficient way. An analysis of common teaching materials is included, too. \nIn detail, the present thesis includes four discussions: \n(1) Understanding the speech act of refusal: Based on previous theories the speech act of refusal will be discussed under different pragmatic perspectives.\n(2) Analyzing the speech act of refusal: Analyses of the pragmatic features and the linguistic structure of refusal are conducted for six different contexts. Eleven realization strategies of refusal and five supporting strategies of communicative behavior are discussed in detail. \n(3) Analyzing teaching materials: Frequency and methods of presenting different pragmatic features of refusal in teaching materials will be analyzed and evaluated. \n(4) Suggestions for teaching: Methods for teaching various speech acts of refusal are proposed according to the results obtained from the inquiries in its pragmatic and linguistic features. Examples for teaching different strategies and supporting strategies of refusal are included.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論1\n第一節 研究動機1\n第二節 研究範圍與方向3\n一、重要名詞釋義3\n二、研究範圍6\n三、研究問題6\n第三節 本文架構7\n第二章 拒絕言語行為之介紹與文獻探討9\n第一節 拒絕言語行為的探討9\n一、拒絕的定義與性質9\n二、影響「拒絕」實現的因素10\n三、拒絕的策略12\n第二節 假拒絕言語行為探討13\n一、假拒絕的定義與分類13\n二、假拒絕的特點14\n三、假拒絕的策略16\n第三節 文獻探討17\n一、關於拒絕語的單語研究17\n二、文化差異性觀點的拒絕性策略研究18\n三、語言學習的正負遷移與相關教學研究19\n第四節 小結20\n第三章 研究方法23\n第一節 研究設定及對象23\n一、問卷研究設定23\n二、研究對象24\n第二節 研究工具24\n一、母語者拒絕語問卷24\n二、華語學習者學習需求問卷26\n三、訪談27\n四、真實語料蒐集28\n第三節 研究過程28\n一、問卷實施方式與過程29\n二、資料編碼與分類 29\n三、真實語料分析30\n四、教材檢視32\n五、綜合討論與教學設計32\n六、研究流程圖33\n第四節 小結34\n第四章 拒絕言語行為相關理論探討35\n第一節 言語行為理論35\n一、言語行為分類35\n二、以言行事行為的類型37\n三、實施言語行為的合適條件—區分真假拒絕言語行為38\n四、間接言語行為39\n第二節 合作原則與禮貌原則40\n一、合作原則41\n二、禮貌原則43\n第三節 面子與面子威脅行為47\n一、面子48\n二、面子威脅行為48\n第四節 小結50\n第五章 拒絕言語語料分析51\n第一節 受試者背景資料分析51\n一、性別51\n二、年齡52\n三、職業52\n四、教育程度53\n第二節 語料分析理論依據54\n一、語料分析理論依據54\n二、主體策略分類55\n三、輔助策略分類60\n第三節 間接拒絕策略分析62\n一、拒絕邀請62\n二、拒絕幫助對方65\n三、拒絕購買物品67\n四、討論69\n第四節 假拒絕策略分析69\n一、拒絕關心(幫助)70\n二、拒絕餽贈71\n三、否定恭維73\n四、討論76\n第五節 拒絕言語之語用形式分析77\n一、詞彙77\n二、句法手段80\n三、其他現象80\n第六節 小結81\n第六章 教學應用83\n第一節 現行教材檢視83\n一、《新版實用視聽華語》內容檢視83\n二、《遠東生活華語》內容檢視85\n三、《說話得體》內容檢視87\n四、《什麼時候說什麼話》內容檢視90\n五、討論91\n第二節 教學啟示與應用95\n一、學習需求分析95\n二、教學應用與設計96\n第三節 小結109\n第七章 結語111\n第一節 研究結果111\n第二節 研究限制114\n一、研究方法與情境選擇114\n二、語料分析114\n第三節 未來展望115\n參考書目110\n附錄120zh_TW
dc.subjectCross-cultural communicationen_US
dc.subjectFalse Refusalen_US
dc.subjectIndirect Refusalen_US
dc.subjectSpeech Acten_US
dc.subjectTeaching Chinese as a Foreign Languageen_US
dc.titleThe Speech Act of Refusal in Mandarin Chinese: An Analysis of Verbal Strategies to Express Refusal and Disagreement with Suggestions for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Languageen_US
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