
Showing 1-25 of 62
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2019-11 On Chinese Cultural Subjectivity Regarding Exemplary and Narrative Language: Based on Ricoeur’s Research of Narrative article 說明頁(355)
2019-06 Techné, Life-world, and Art article 說明頁(337)
2019-05 敘事治療的理論探討 article
2018-11 Schematism of Narrative Function: And on a Relationship of Arendt to Ricoeur article pdf(432)
2017-06 Relation between Ricoeur and Arendt Regarding Narrative: A View Starting from Practical Significance article 說明頁(798)
2017-05 技藝、生活世界與藝術 article pdf(822)
2017-02 從技藝與機運的對立關係來看公共領域中的政治自由—鄂蘭與海德格的比較 article pdf(506)
2017-02 Heidegger on the Problem of the Embodiment of God article 說明頁(563)
2016-10 重新審視牟宗三的道德判斷與歷史判斷 – 從現象學的觀點來看 article pdf(356)
2016-09 The experiences of families living with the anticipatory loss of a school-age child with spinal muscular atrophy – the parents’ perspectives article pdf(453)
2016-07 從「原初理性」生成「原初語言」來談文化再造─從海德格的討論出發來看 article pdf(601)
2016-02 ‘Living with tics’: self-experience of adolescents with Tourette syndrome during peer interaction article pdf(577)
2016-01 胡塞爾的政治哲學 article pdf(413)
2016-01 對生命反思所表現的「記號」與「信號」 ─ 胡塞爾與海德格的差異 article pdf(565)
2015-11 當作者成為海德格晚年所說的詩人 article pdf(514)
2014-10 從古希臘的「技藝」概念重新對護理倫理的反思 article pdf(1056)
2014-10 A reconsideration of nursing ethics from the perspective of Téchne article pdf(954)
2014-06 對於胡塞爾現象學重視發生與歷史的一種解讀——從呂格爾論懺悔的宗教維度來深化 article pdf(839)
2013.05 Kunstlehre and Applied Phenomenology article pdf(1466)
2013.05 “Kunstlehre” and Applied Phenomenology article pdf(1363)
2011-11 How is aristotle`s conception of physis implicated in Husserl`s phenomenology? - With special consideration given to Husserl`s thought concerning ethics article 說明頁(1230)
2011-10 指引歷程看神性與美-一個現象學進路 article pdf(753)
2011-05 海德格Dasein概念里希腊与犹太-基督宗教的背景-兼论一种东西方哲学可能的交会点 article pdf(916)
2011-03 導言:「哲學與神學」專題 article pdf(792)
2011-03 海德格究竟主張神學性的哲學或哲學性的神學?-與胡塞爾及鄂蘭立場的比較來看 article pdf(942)