
Showing 1-25 of 49
Date Title Type Full Text
2010 Ambivalent Attitudes and Persuasion conference pdf(890)
2010 Cultural Differences in Ad Persuasion conference 說明頁(1132)
2007-08 追求知識、認同或娛樂?政論性談話節目的內容與閱聽眾收視動機的探討 conference
2007-08 Is that website for me? An affect as informaiton model of congruency effects conference
2007-07 Enhancing the effectivness of anti-smoking messages via self-congruent appeals conference
2006-07 The global look conference
2006-07 Increasing mental health literacy via narrative advertising conference
2006 Chronological Age vs. Cognitive Age For young consumers: Implications for Advertising Persuasion conference
2005-10 Enhancing self-consciousness: Implications for the Effectiveness of Ad Appeals conference
2005-08 Knowledge about the Gulf War: A Theoretical Model of Learning from the News conference
2005-07 The driving forces for smoking among Taiwanese adolescents conference
2005-07 Does Content Matter More than Time? The Influence of Media Use on Social Capital, Political Attitudes and Political Participation conference
2005-06 How Context-Evoked Affect Influences Responses to High- and Low-Involving Products conference
2004-01 網路使用、社會資產與另類政治參與 conference
2004-01 Ad and Brand Evaluations in a Competitive Processing Context--The Effects of Number of Attributes and Repetition Strategies conference
2004-01 How Individuals Develop Brand Evaluations in Different Contexts--The Relative Impacts of Affect Self-relevant Thoughts and Product Attribute Thoughts conference
2004-01 Changing smoking attitudes by Strengthening Weak Counter-smoking Beliefs conference
2004 Political Communication Research in Taiwan conference
2004 Culture Differences Regarding Masculinity/Femininity on the Effectiveness of Image Ad Appeals and Utilitarian Ad Appeals conference
2004 The Effects of Diagnostic Advertising Content: A Resource-Matching Perspective conference
2004 Gender Differences in Processing Comparative Advertising in a Competitive Context--Evidence for Differential Strategies conference
2004 The effectiveness of retrospective and anticipatory self-referencing ads conference
2004 Priming and Framing Effects: A Comparison of the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq War conference
2003 Ad Repetition and Variation in a Competitive Ad Context conference pdf(897)
2003 Diagnosticity of Ad Frames for Different Cultures-Oroduct involvement as a moderator conference