
Showing 1-25 of 68
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-08 Urban Management in Authoritarian China: How the Smart City Is Used to Enhance Comprehensive Law Enforcement article 說明頁(72)
2023-06 No Turning Back? Assessing China’s Intent to Use Force to Resolve the Taiwan Issue After 2018 article pdf(120)
2023-01 中國大陸「白紙運動」與國家社會關係之評析 article 說明頁(108)說明頁(79)
2022-11 Co-optation or Coercion: Protest Targeting and Mass Violence in China article 說明頁(141)
2022-09 Comprehensive law-based governance in China? Legislating authoritarianism in the Xi Jinping era article 說明頁(142)
2022-02 China’s Cloud Governance: The Big Data Bureau and COVID-19 Crisis Management article 說明頁(211)
2022-01 중국의 `공동부유론`을 보는 시각 article pdf(245)
2021-12 [書評論文] 百年中共與中國政治--習近平的天命與挑戰 article 說明頁(95)
2021-07 Hobbling Big Brother: Top-Level Design and Local Trial and Error in China’s Social Credit System article pdf(155)
2021-07 Hobbling Big Brother: Top-Level Design and Local Trial and Error in China`s Social Credit System article pdf(169)
2021-04 A King stifling voices of dissent? Popular Protests and State Responses in Xi`s China article pdf(208)
2021-04 A King stifling voices of dissent? Popular Protests and State Responses in Xi’s China article 說明頁(101)
2021-03 Building a Hyper-Stability Structure: The Mechanisms of Social Stability Maintenance in Xi’s China article pdf(226)
2021-03 Building a Hyper-Stability Structure: The Mechanisms of Social Stability Maintenance in Xi`s China article pdf(206)
2020-12 Building a Hyper-Stability Structure: The Mechanisms of Social Stability Maintenance in Xi`s China article 說明頁(329)
2020-09 壟斷性侍從主義:中國國家社科基金項目中的國家社會關係 article pdf(250)
2020-06 Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How Lesser Powers Respond to Competing Great Powers in the Asia-Pacific Region article pdf(206)
2019-03 The Nature of Popular Protest and the Employment of Repressive State Capacity in China article 說明頁(404)
2018-12 尋求學術研究與政策分析平衡的中國研究:政治大學東亞研究所的志業 article pdf(181)
2018-09 習近平時代の中国の社会治理および国家と社会の関係 article pdf(209)
2018-08 近期大陸退伍軍人抗爭評析 article pdf(575)
2018-05 Technological Authoritarianism in China: State-society Relationship in Xi`s "New Era" article pdf(614)
2018-01 Social Governance in Xi Jinping’s “New Era”: An Observation of Eviction of Beijing’s “Low-end Population” article pdf(1951)
2018-01 The Social Development and Governance in China: The Observations on the "Political Report" to the 19th CPC National Congress article 說明頁(560)
2017-11 Choosing Democracy in China? Explaining the Choice of Electoral Rule in the Chinese Village Committee Elections article pdf(310)