
Showing 1-25 of 44
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2022-07 Neural basis of operant behaviors maintained on the differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) schedule in rodents article 說明頁(168)
2021-11 Comparative effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist and antagonist on timing impulsivity induced by d-amphetamine in a differential reinforcement of low-rate response task in male rats article 說明頁(176)
2021-09 Task-dependent effects of SKF83959 on operant behaviors associated to distinct changes of CaMKII signaling in striatal subareas article pdf(145)
2021-01 Neurobiological changes in striatal glutamate are associated with trait impulsivity of differential reinforcement of low-rate-response behavior in male rats article pdf(194)
2019-11 Examination of the effects of SCH23390 and raclopride infused in the dorsal striatum on amphetamine-induced timing impulsivity measured on a differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) task in rats article pdf(288)
2019-04 Serotonin receptor HTR6 mediates dietary restriction-induced memory enhancement article pdf(250)
2019-02 Task-dependent differences in operant behaviors of rats with acute exposure to high ambient temperature: a potential role of hippocampal dopamine reuptake transporters article pdf(270)
2018-08 Effects of d-amphetamine on risk choice in rats depend on the manner in which the expected reward value is varied article pdf(371)
2017-07 Regional differences in dopamine receptor blockade affect timing impulsivity that is altered by d-amphetamine on differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) behavior in rats article pdf(502)
2017-07 Regional differences in dopamine receptor blockade affect timing impulsivity that are altered by d-amphetamine on differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) behavior in rats article pdf(440)
2017-04 心智、大腦、與學習:談心理學的發展 article pdf(409)
2016-02 Delayed extinction and stronger drug-primed reinstatement of methamphetamine seeking in rats prenatally exposed to morphine article pdf(674)
2015-11 Dissociable contribution of nucleus accumbens and dorsolateral striatum to the acquisition of risk choice behavior in the rat article pdf(765)
2015-03 Differential effects of dopamine receptor subtype-specific agonists with respect to operant behavior maintained on a differential reinforcement for low-rate responding (DRL) schedule article pdf(933)
2014.03 Elevated BDNF mRNA expression in the medial prefrontal cortex after d-amphetamine reinstated conditioned place preference in rats article pdf(1394)
2013.12 「台灣地區華人情緒刺激常模資料」專輯序言 article pdf(1007)
2013.08 臺灣地區華人情緒與相關心理生理資料庫—臺灣情緒圖片系統 article pdf(1679)
2013 A possible correlation between oxytocin-induced and angiotensin IV-induced anti-hyperalgesia at the spinal level in rats article pdf(1313)
2011 Place conditioning and neurochemical responses elicited by the aftereffect of acute stressor exposure involving an elevated stand article pdf(1163)
2010-02 Dopamine receptor antagonists impair place conditioning after acute stress in rats article
2009-08 Effects of amphetamine and cocaine on behavior maintained by differential reinforcement of low-rate-response (DRL) schedule article
2008-12 Differential Effects of Lesions in the Subareas of Medial Prefrontal Cortex on the Development of Behavioral Sensitization to Amphetamine: Role of Environmental Context article pdf(1106)
2008-03 Development of conditioned place preference induced by intra-accumbens infusion of amphetamine is attenuated by co-infusion of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor antagonists article pdf(1023)
2007-12 單次操弄壓力源對場地制約偏好行為學習的影響效果 article pdf(6700)
2007-04 Dopamine Receptor Antagonists Reverse Amphetamine-Induced Behavioral Alteration on a Differential Reinforcement for Low-rate (DRL) Operant Task in the Rat article pdf(1661)