All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、Proceedings)

Showing 4001-4025 of 4069
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-08 Auditor’s Reputation and Cost of Debt. CHENG-ERH HUANG、Huang, ChengErh、Wang, Qianyi、Lin, Shu-Hsien conferernce pdf(1)
2024-08 Do Chinese Government Subsidies Affect Earnings Informativeness? CHENG-ERH HUANG、Huang, ChengErh、Chi, Hsin-Yi、Weng, Tzu-Ching、Yao, Wei-Ren conferernce pdf(0)
2024-10 A Review of Taiwan Entrepreneurship Research in Twenty Years Han-Ni Kuan、Kuan, Han-Ni、Wu, Chih-Yun、YEH-YUN LIN、Jeng, Ming-Jhe、Yang, Irene Wen-Fen、Liu, Min-Shi conference web page(148)
2024-08 Shaping Consumer Perception of Healthcare Service Robots: The Role of Tangible Design CONG-MINH DINHSUNG JUN PARK、Dinh, Cong-Minh、Park, Sungjun (Steven) conference pdf(115)
2024-08 Life Insurance Portfolio Optimization 陳哲斌、Chen, Che-Pin conference pdf(111)
2024-06 Effect of Audit-Firm Membership in Non-BIG Four Accounting Association on Tax Planning – International Evidence CHIA-HSIANG WENG、Weng, Chia-Hsiang、Hsieh, Chih-Chieh conference pdf(192)
2024-08 scGHSOM: Hierarchical clustering and visualization of single-cell and CRISPR data using growing hierarchical SOM FANG YUFANG YU、Wen, Shang-Jung、JIA-MING CHANG conference pdf(74)
2022-08 Am I Talking to AI? The Effects of Consumers’ Mindsets on Communication Patterns with Voice-Based Services LIEN-TI BEILIEN-TI BEI、Liao, Ching-Wei conference pdf(0)
2024-10 Chatbots with Swear Words? Examining the Effects of Humor and Aggressiveness on Consumer Responses KUAN-JU CHENJHIH-SYUAN LIN、Chen, Tzu-Yu conference web page(93)
2024-06 By All Means Necessary? Investigating the Relationship between Leader’s Occupational Calling and Follower’s Emotion Exhaustion JIA-CHI HUANGJIA-CHI HUANG、Lee, Amber Yun-Ping、Chiu, Chia-Yen (Chad) conference pdf(253)
2024-07 Developing a measurement scale for showing vulnerability: What benefits and costs are you consider? JIA-CHI HUANGJIA-CHI HUANG、Wu, Yu T. conference web page(75)
2024-06 The relationship between work-family practices, perceived organizational support, employees’ attributions and job attitudes JIA-CHI HUANGJIA-CHI HUANG、Chiang, Pin-Hua、Wu, Tien-Yu、Liu, Nien-Chi conference pdf(61)
2024-09 Direct investments in Japan and operational efficiency of semiconductor companies from Taiwan KAI-YU HSIEH、Hsieh, Kai-Yu conference pdf(76)
2024-07 Cultural bricolge: Overconing constraint by remaking cultural resources RUEY-LIN HSIAO conference web page(63)
2017-05 Clearing Frequency and Volatility: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market JIAN-JIA CHIOU、Chiou, Calvin J.、Chan, Chang conference web page(51)
2024-04 Common Ownership Networks and the Expansion of Female Board Representation JIAN-JIA CHIOU conference pdf(34)
2024-10 Common Ownership Networks and the Expansion of Female Board Representation JIAN-JIA CHIOU、Chiou, Calvin conference pdf(43)
2024-06 Common Ownership Networks and the Expansion of Female Board Representation JIAN-JIA CHIOU、Chiou, Calvin J. conference pdf(58)
2024-07 Examining the Changes in the Housing Market Before and After Municipal Elections: A Case Study of Taiwan FANG-NI CHUMING-CHI CHENFANG-NI CHUMING-CHI CHEN conference pdf(65)
2023-12 央行之地區性選擇性信用管制是否能有效抑制房價? MING-CHI CHEN、朱冠穎、FANG-NI CHU conference pdf(55)
2023-12 Impact of Policy Uncertainty on the Taipei Housing Market MING-CHI CHEN、吳冠臻、FANG-NI CHU conference pdf(52)
2023-12 Panic Buying and Perception of Scarcity: A Housing Market Study in the COVID-19 Period MING-CHI CHEN、劉祉岑、FANG-NI CHU conference pdf(56)
2024-07 售屋網頁用詞對行銷效果有助益嗎? MING-CHI CHENFANG-NI CHUMING-CHI CHEN conference pdf(60)
2024-06 Variable selection and estimation for length-biased and partly interval-censored survival data with mismeasured covariates LI-PANG CHEN、Chen, Li-Pang conference pdf(58)
2024-06 Do Regulators Demand for and Benefit from Accounting Comparability? – Evidence from the Registration-based IPO System in China CHEN-LUNG CHINCHEN-LUNG CHIN、Chen, Mei-Hui、Chen, Jeff Zeyun、Zheng, Qi conference pdf(104)