All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies、Proceedings)

Showing 176-200 of 336
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006-01 以文字探勘技術判別影響證券交易市場個股漲跌之新聞事件 洪欽銘、陳志銘、黃培倫、Chen, Chih-Ming conference
2011-05 教育部計畫成果典藏資訊網之規劃與建置 林巧敏、Lin, Chiao-Min conference
2010-11 歷史論文引用檔案文獻之特性分析 林巧敏、Lin, Chiao-Min conference
2010-10 人文社會科學教育計畫之數位典藏系統建置經驗 林巧敏、Lin, Chiao-Min conference
2010-04 書目計量與知識行為 林巧敏、Lin, Chiao-Min conference
2010-03 中文權威控制館際合作構想初探--國外案例之借鏡 林巧敏、Lin, Chiao-Min conference
2013.04 Long-term Preservation Policy of the National Central Library 薛理桂 conference 說明頁(1530)
2011 Computer-supported collaborative learning for elementary school students on the effectiveness of reading comprehension Yang, Su-Jian、Lin, C.-P.、Yang, Mei-Hwa、Shao, Y.-J.、Chen, W.、楊美華 conference pdf(767)
2013 A coverage overlap study on citation index: Commercial databases and open access systems Tsay, Ming-yueh、Lu, Y.-M.、Lin, Y.-C.、蔡明月 conference 說明頁(1341)
2007 Intelligent web-based tutoring system with personalized learning path guidance Hong, C.-M.、Chen, Chin-Ming、Chang, M.-H.、Chen, S.-C.、陳志銘 conference 說明頁(1179)
2014 大趨勢微觀察:大學圖書館的轉型與超越 楊美華 conference pdf(980)
2014 大趨勢 微觀察:大學圖書館的轉型與超越 楊美華 conference pdf(2785)
2014-07 閱讀策略教學對於國小四年級學童閱讀理解之影響 林巧敏 conference pdf(3640)
2015-07 Citation Type Analysis for Social Science Literature in Taiwan 蔡明月Tsay, Ming-yueh conference pdf(634)
2014-11 Path analyses of how students develop conceptual knowledge and inquiry skills in a simulation-based inquiry environment 陳志銘、Chang, H.-Y.、Hsu, Y.-S.、Wu, H.-K.、Chen, Chih Ming conference 說明頁(706)
2016-06 Effects of mobile game-based English vocabulary learning app on learners` perceptions and learning performance: A case study of Taiwanese EFL learners 陳志銘、Yen, Lin、Chen, Chih Ming、Huang, Hong Bin conference 說明頁(801)
2016-06 Assessing effects of information architecture of digital museums on supporting e-learning 陳志銘、Sun, Hsien Chieh、Chen, Chih Ming conference 說明頁(817)
2016-06 An optimized group formation scheme considering knowledge level, learning roles, and interaction relationship for promoting collaborative problem-based learning performance 陳志銘、郭旗雄、Liu, Chen Yu、Chen, Chih Ming、Kuo, Chi Hsiung conference 說明頁(648)
2016-06 Effects of the design factors of skill training game on learning performance and emotion 陳志銘、胡琬琪、Chen, Chun Yi、Chen, Chih Ming、Hu, Wan Chi conference 說明頁(643)
2016-06 Effects of attention monitoring and alarm mechanism on promoting e-learning performance 陳志銘、Huang, Yi Chen、Chen, Chih Ming、Guo, Jian Cheng conference 說明頁(836)
2016-01 Assessing the Attention Levels of Students by Using a Novel Attention Aware System Based on Brainwave Signals 陳志銘、Yang, Shin Min、Chen, Chih Ming、Yu, Chih Ming conference 說明頁(921)
2016-01 Effects of Different Video Lecture Types on Sustained Attention, Emotion, Cognitive Load, and Learning Performance 陳志銘、Wang, Wen Fang、Chen, Chih Ming、Wu, Chung Hsin conference 說明頁(750)
2016-01 Enhancement of Digital Reading Performance by Using a Novel Web-Based Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Two Quality Annotation Extraction Mechanisms 陳志銘、Lin, Yu Chieh、Chen, Chih Ming、Huang, Po Han conference 說明頁(713)
2018-08 A Visual Interactive Reading System Based on Eye Tracking Technology to Improve Digital Reading Performance Chang, Chin-Sheng、Chen, Chih-Ming、Lin, Yu-Chieh、陳志銘、Chen, Chih-Ming conference pdf(363)
2018-07 An Automatic Text Annotation System to Improve Reading Comprehension of Chinese Ancient Texts Tsai, Hsiao-Ting、Chen, Chih-Ming、Liu, Chen-Yu、陳志銘、Chen, Chih-Ming conference 說明頁(672)