All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 51-75 of 358
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-03 記憶、性別暴力及英雄論述的再現:探討杜爾瑟‧洽宮的小說 CHUNG-YING YANGCHUNG-YING YANG conference pdf(154)
2021-04 Homo viator : imaginer identité, communauté, humanité avec Agamben, Chamoiseau, Esposito, Makine Valeria Emi Mara SGUEGLIA、Sgueglia, Valeria Emi Mara conference pdf(137)
2021-07 L’Inde au cœur des États-Unis : le double exil d’Aldous Huxley Valeria Emi Mara SGUEGLIA、Sgueglia, Valeria Emi Mara conference pdf(160)
2021 대만의 한국어 교재 개발과 온라인 교육 BYUNG-SUN PARK、Park, Bing-Shan conference web page(376)
2021-03 한국어 시간성 표현 선어말 어미 `-었-`의 기능 재고 및 중국어 대응 표현 BYUNG-SUN PARK、Park, Bing-Shan conference pdf(223)
2021 如何書寫中國?清代韓、越燕行錄書寫對中國方志的接受與轉變 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference pdf(241)
2020-12 明末朝鮮海路朝天錄書寫特徵初探 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference pdf(186)
2021-03 한국어 반복 표현 ‘X다 X어’에 대한 소고 KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference pdf(227)
2021-07 The effect of word frequency and position-in-utterance in Mandarin speech errors: A connectionist model of speech production. I-PING WANI-PING WAN、Marc, Allassonnière-Tang conference pdf(247)
2021-11 Mandarin Speakers` Acquisitions and Representations of Flapping in American English in An ESL Context: A Perception and Production Study 莊家瑋 conference web page(244)
2021-07 The Spirit’s Speeches : A Spectator’s Theatre of the Mind in Stevens’ Poetry WAN YU LIN conference
2021-05 民主化移行期・台湾における「明治維新」論の再構築 SU HSIA YANG、SU HSIA YANG conference web page(310)
2021-06 植民地台湾における「明治維新」認識 SU HSIA YANG、SU HSIA YANG conference
2020-11 〈皇極紀〉と〈斉明紀〉における記述方法の比較分析 CHIA-YU CHENGCHIA-YU CHENG conference web page(289)
2021-09 日本首位女帝的人物形象探析 -從日本正史《日本書紀》之「推古天皇紀」看起 CHIA-YU CHENGCHIA-YU CHENG conference web page(243)
2021-08 Motivators for learners of languages other than English in college elective courses in the Taiwanese monolingual social setting SHU-CHEN HUANGSHU-CHEN HUANG article pdf(143)
2021-07 Social circles during a study exchange TSAI-HUNG CHEN、Chen, R. conference web page(269)
2021-04 Learning after formative classroom assessment: A model of peer feedback. Invited panelist--“Bridging Assessment and Learning: Can We Make a Difference?” SHU-CHEN HUANGSHU-CHEN HUANG conference web page(270)
2021-08 The learning of neighbor languages (and European ones) in the Asian context of Taiwan SHU-CHEN HUANGSHU-CHEN HUANG conference web page(278)
2020-09 「忙」的語意特徵及認知概念之語料庫研究—以語料庫語言學及語意側重為架構之研究 SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG、林昕柔、Lin, Hsin-Rou conference pdf(309)
2021-06 《咆嘯山莊》與自然之聲 YIH DAU WU、YIH DAU WU conference web page(236)
2021-07 New Defences of Poetry: Poetry as the Defender of Besieged Human Dignity MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU conference web page(154)
2021-05 Play is the first poetry of the human being SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO conference web page(198)
2021-07 Analyses of Synesthesia Metaphor of tian and its Implications for Chinese Language Teaching HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Huei-ling conference web page(324)
2021-05 «Рыжеволосые чужеземцы»: образы голландцев в нарративах о Тайване OLGA NIKOLAEVNA ALESHINA、Laguta, O. N. conference