All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Proceedings)

Showing 2776-2800 of 3083
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-06 胡塞爾論單子的不朽:死亡作為生活世界之事件的超驗意義 LEE-CHUN LO conference web page(194)
2023-06 法權義務或是德行義務: 從黑格爾的法哲學論「言論自由」議題的規範性基礎 莊開盛 conference pdf(196)
2023-06 糖尿病如何作為一種「時間障礙」? 以現象學方法對糖尿病患者之患病經驗進行描述的一項反思 莊開盛 conference pdf(160)
2023-06 重啟與修復:論戰後來臺作家王家誠、趙雲的戰時記憶與離散書寫 SHIH-YUN LO conference pdf(270)
2023-06 Mapping China and the World: Modern Chinese Literature and Francophone Print Culture in Republican China SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN conference web page(157)
2022-08 Sailing to “Meridian”: A Study of the Translation of Modern Chinese Literature in French Shanghai Daily (Le Journal de Shanghai) SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN conference web page(193)
2023-05 另一種聲音—台灣原住民女性作家利格拉樂•阿𡠄的文學 MAL-SOON CHOI conference
2023-06 Feminism Reboot:當代韓國女性主義發展系譜初探 PEI-JEAN CHEN conference pdf(25)
2023-06 Queer Archiveology: Post-Millennium Documentaries on Trans-Lesbian in Taiwan and Korea PEI-JEAN CHENPEI-JEAN CHEN conference pdf(2)
2023-03 反療癒:台灣當代疾病散文的修復性 PEI-JEAN CHEN conference web page(181)
2023-09 成為女「人」:台韓女性主義的冷戰系譜 PEI-JEAN CHEN conference pdf(228)
2023-07 Palimpsest of the Subject: Autobiographical Writing of Taiwanese Writer Chen Shen-chen in Axis of Blue Clouds and On the Way SHIH-YUN LO、Lo, Shih-Yun conference pdf(2)
2022-11 威權時期台灣宗教迫害案例的研究成果 —以錫安山新約教會為例 HUA-YUAN HSUEH conference pdf(213)
2023-06 修行、照見與流動:資深心理治療者經歷修行啟發後的生活經驗 CHIA-LIN LEEWEI-LUN LEECHIA-LIN LEE、Lee, Wei-Lun conference pdf(367)
2022-07 試從梅洛龐蒂觀點理解社群媒體的「觀看」:以 Instagram 為例 CHIA-LIN LEE conference pdf(1)
2023-10 Examining the Public Issues of Heidegger and Confucianism from the Concept of Conscience Wang, Wen-Sheng、WEN-SHENG WANG conference pdf(229)
2023-10 Authenticity as a Virtue: a possible ethical theory for the early Heidegger WEI-DING TSAIWEI-DING TSAI conference pdf(271)
2023-11 基於文本分析的綜合關係網路建模 —以海外台灣左翼資料庫為例 YI-CHIEH WUWEN-HUNG LIAOHUA-YUAN HSUEH、張惠真 conference pdf(3)
2023-08 《尚書‧呂刑》與《清華玖‧成人》斷獄程序與原則的比較研究 YU-AN KU conference web page(202)
2023-06 唐船所載書目與江南文化 KUEI-JU LIN conference
2023-04 盧翰義理詮義的《易》學圖說研究——以「元、亨、利、貞」之思想內涵為主體 RUI- HONG CHEN conference
2023-08 論金文套語「拜手稽首」的起源、發展與互動 TING-CHI HUANG conference web page(147)
2023-07 唐五代俗講與王權、時節 MING-CHANG YANG conference
2022-10 孫希旦《禮記集解》對鄭玄祭祀體系之商榷—以禘祭為中心 WEN-SHIN JENG conference pdf(0)
2023-07 Popular Literature and the Literary Circle of Taiwan’s Women’s Journals in the 1910s and the 1930s PEI-CHEN WU、Wu, , Peichen conference pdf(270)