All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Proceedings)

Showing 2826-2850 of 3083
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-07 類聚主題的古文字教學成效—以教學實踐計畫古文字動物園為例 HUNG-MING LIN conference web page(122)
2018-11 由桑弧〈談談戲曲片的劇本問題〉論戲曲舞台敘事到影像敘事間的移就 YUN-SHU HOU conference web page(105)
2019-08 桑弧戲曲影視作品之創作特色—以《梁山伯與祝英台》及《曹操與楊修》為例 YUN-SHU HOU conference
2019-10 宋代殿試賦之限韻考察 CHENG-WEN CHEN conference web page(98)
2021-10 枚乘〈七發〉之結構考察 CHENG-WEN CHEN conference web page(87)
2020-11 柳宗元〈晉問〉創新「七」體之結構考察 CHENG-WEN CHEN conference pdf(89)
2023-10 《武威漢代醫簡》「榮深」考釋 RUEI-JHE LUO conference
2023-09 「『東京人』中的日本戰後風景 PEI-CHEN WU conference web page(160)
2023-10 柏楊《醜陋的中國人》的迴響與波瀾(1985-2024) JYUN-YU JHOU conference web page(168)
2023-06 空海(774~835)的「心」論:從《大日經》到《秘藏寶鑰》 PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-Ying conference pdf(221)
2023-09 The Bodhisattva Precepts of Master Cheng Yen in Contemporary Taiwan PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-Ying conference web page(148)
2022-12 Zen for Nothing: The Life and Teaching of Sōtō Master Sawaki Kōdō 澤木興道 (1880-1965) PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-Ying conference web page(181)
2023-06 Foundations of an Incense-Centric Society: Annual Rotation and Ritual Alliance of AngGong 尪公 Worship in North Taiwan CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih conference web page(174)
2023-07 Religious Syncretism, Cultural Communication and Reassembling: Comparison of Transnational Transmission of Yiguandao and Caodaism CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih conference pdf(263)
2023-08 茶產業宗教信仰初探:以北台灣大文山地區茶農、茶販、茶商為中心 CHING-CHIH LIN conference
2023-05 The Dilemma and Prospects of the Interreligious Dialogue between East Asian Traditions and Islam: With the Chance Encounter between Liu Shu-hsien and Seyyed Hossein Nasr as a Starting Point YUAN-LIN TSAIYUAN-LIN TSAI conference pdf(166)
2023-06 馬來西亞後威權時代的伊斯蘭政治 YUAN-LIN TSAI conference pdf(2)
2023-09 周敦頤與朱熹「太極」之差異——問題之重啟 KAI CHIU NG conference
2021-07 Feeling homeless in my hometown: The discourse-mediated hometown experiences in a rural towns WEI-LUN LEE、Lee, Wei-Lun conference web page(108)
2022-06 心靈環保與心理治療的移情工作 WEI-LUN LEE conference pdf(136)
2022-06 以實踐經驗取向探尋佛教心理治療的形式與內涵 WEI-LUN LEE conference web page(112)
2021-11 自我的三位一體結構:幼兒鏡像經驗的還原分析 WEI-LUN LEE conference web page(99)
2021-11 瀕死或重生?:心臟停止期間經歷變異狀態之病人的生活經驗 WEI-LUN LEE conference pdf(214)
2023-09 從友愛到團結—論全球倫理的道德基礎 YUAN-TSE LIN conference web page(129)
2023-09 Neo-Confucian Criticism of Buddhist Emptiness - and why it may matter for Spinozists KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL conference web page(149)