All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 22601-22625 of 23088
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996 兩岸在國際關係上的政治衝突與統一:北歐議會的參考價值 YUANG-KUANG KAO conference
2008-06 Analysis of Online Behaviors and Online Roles YU-CHU YEH conference
2005 Implementation of Wireless Secure Voice Gateway in Network Processor-based Platform 周立德、陳志遠、曾柏嘉 conference pdf(313)
2008 Using DEMATEL to explore the interaction effect of team innovation factors LIEN-AN HSU conference
2010 Effects of knowledge building on elementary students` views of collaboration Hong, H、-Y、Wang, P、-H、Hong, M、Cha,i C、S、HUANG-YAO HONG conference web page(1181)
2005 網路路由器服務品質之效能分析 陳延禎、李柏毅 article pdf(210)
2009-10-16 2008年我國總統選舉廣告策略分析 鈕則勳 conference web page(1762)
2016-09 A preliminary design and implementation of location-based mobile advertising schemes with plot placement animation over a cyber-physical system 陳宥杉、Lee, Ru Hung、Chen, An Yi、Chiang, Chih Chung、LIEN-TI BEI、Liu, Chun Hung conference web page(801)
2003-02 An Extended Reliability Model for Global Logistics Systems under Uncertain Environment Wu Fu-Tsang、WOO-TSONG LIN conference
1999 Interval number and boxicity of directed graphs YI-WU CHANG、West, Douglas B. conference pdf(366)
2005-11 A more generic construct-based data exchange in data warehousing JIA-LANG SENG conference
1990 Distribution of Taxes among Households in the Republic of China: 1976-1986 WEI-CHU HSU、George Cheng Wang、Weng-huang Wang conference
2000-12 兼顧永續發展的環境管理教育 CHAO-TUNG WEN conference
2003 "Conceptual Metaphors: Ontology-based Representation and Corpora Driven Mapping Principles SIAW-FONG CHUNG conference
2005-09 Explaining Taiwanese Referendums and Presidential Election in 2004: A Nested Choice Model CHIA-HUNG TSAI、Ding-ming Wang conference
2006-10 二十世紀旅德土耳其移民的文學先驅 SHIH-KANG PENG conference
2004-08 荒原中的城市:小城鎮建設在中國西部地區的意義與問題 陳墇津 conference
2024-01 追究違反國際人道法行為之法律責任-司法機構之角色 PEI-LUN TSAI conference
2012 Challenges of emergency communication network for disaster response Huang, J.-S.、Lien, Yao-Nan、YAO-NAN LIEN conference web page(1110)
2005 基於IMS QTI 標準規格之試題製作探討 吳婷婷、宋天文 conference pdf(301)
2018 Looking for regional convergence: evidence from the italian case with multivariate adaptive regression splines SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、Muratore, Fabrizio、Bucciarelli, Edgardo、SHU-HENG CHEN conference web page(1048)
2023-11 公雲SaaS推薦服務適用資料樣態研究:以企客產品資料推薦為例 郁宸瑋、唐世賢、胡萬勳、吳志偉 conference pdf(1)
2006-07 清傳奇《長生殿》節令意象的考察與詮釋 HSIN-HSIN TSAI conference
2013-05 戰後土地總登記(權利憑證繳驗)問題之探討 CHIH-YIN LEE conference web page(88)
2020-02 The influence of self-determination on mastery experience in a creativity game-based learning YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH conference web page(406)