All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 1201-1225 of 2076
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-06 語料庫導向之方位短句於固定框架的共現概念及介係詞統計分析 趙逢毅、SIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(470)
2015-12 行動金融服務的科技挑戰與未來想像 TZU-CHIEH TSAITZU-CHIEH TSAI article pdf(490)
2016-06 The impact of e-retailer characteristics on initiating mobile retail services: A modular innovation perspective HAO-CHUN CHUANGYEN-CHUN CHOUHAO-CHUN CHUANG、Shao, Benjamin B. article web page(932)
2016-06 數位學習新發展與圖書館新服務 MEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANG article pdf(967)
2007-06 德國近代史的奠基──蘭克《普魯士史》導論 WHEI-MING CHOUWHEI-MING CHOU article pdf(664)
2016-09 Consideraciones de la identidad cultural y la demarginalizacion en la novela negra espanola contemporanea CHUNG-YING YANG article web page(1230)
1999-12 切腹的美學 HSIANG-SHEN HSUHSIANG-SHEN HSU article pdf(270)
2015-11 日本神話之山幸海宮訪問譚的構造與特色 ―從環太平洋的視點看起 CHIA-YU CHENGCHIA-YU CHENG article pdf(516)
2000-10 對話想像: 翻譯、衍譯、《魯拜集》 CHIEN-CHI LIUCHIEN-CHI LIU article pdf(287)
2014-06 《我的鴿子籠故事》中認同情節之探討 TING-CHIA YENTING-CHIA YEN article pdf(438)
2012-03 Incorporating service learning with EFL academic writing: Experience transfer for invention. YI-CHUN LIU、Liu, Yi-Chun article pdf(541)
2016-02 Students’ Perceptions of Reading Popular Fiction in an EFL Classroom LI-YUAN HSULI-YUAN HSU article web page(659)
2016-06 Fostering Students’ Intercultural Competence in an EFL Classroom: A Case Study of Students’ Perceptions on Digital Storytelling LI-YUAN HSULI-YUAN HSU article pdf(460)
2016 Understanding ethnic visibility through language use: the case of Taiwan Hakka HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Huei-ling article web page(901)
2016-09 Indifference in Sense and Sensibility YIH DAU WUYIH DAU WU article pdf(431)
2016-10 希臘經典的再現與再思──讀呂健忠新譯《尤瑞匹底斯全集I》 CHIEN-CHI LIU article web page(764)
2015-03 『향대기람(香臺紀覽)』을 통해 본 일제시대 臺灣의 교통과 숙식 시설 QING-ZHI CHENQING-ZHI CHEN article pdf(463)
2012-06 온라인 속담 강의 개발 연구 -대만의 대학 한국어문학과를 중심으로- QING-ZHI CHENQING-ZHI CHEN article pdf(592)
2010-11 HD九個獲取深智慧原理擴展國小英語教師習慣領域 林明宏、I-CHIN CHIANG article web page(776)
2014-02 『香臺紀覽』 기록에 투영된 일제시대 臺灣의 모습 QING-ZHI CHENQING-ZHI CHEN article pdf(556)
2016-09 대만 한국학 교육 현황과 전문인력 양성의 문제점 CHIU-WEN KUO、Kuo, Chiu-wen article web page(830)
2016-08 Rather Above Her Station’: Dress and Mass Fashion in George Gissing’s In the Year of Jubilee. YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article web page(721)
2017-01 Entity metaphor, object gesture, and context of use KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai article web page(754)
2016 Its Prohibitive Cost: The Bicycle, the New Woman and Conspicuous Display. YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article web page(865)
2016-12 Power Femininity’ and Popular Women’s Magazine in China. YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article pdf(621)