All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Periodical Articles)

Showing 5051-5075 of 5226
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-06 高明先生的學術關懷與禮學研究 WEN-SHIN JENG article web page(140)
2023-03 敦煌本《釋佛國品手記》與僧、俗講 MING-CHANG YANG article web page(112)
2023-07 Queer feminist assemblages against far-right anti- “Anti-Discrimination Law” in South Korea PEI-JEAN CHENPEI-JEAN CHEN article web page(180)
2023-07 由《臺灣出版警察報》觀察殖民地臺灣的言論檢閱與朝鮮問題 MAL-SOON CHOI article web page(161)
2023-08 “總動員”體制下日據臺灣的大眾娛樂論述——兼與朝鮮半島比較 MAL-SOON CHOI、Cui, Moshun article web page(128)
2023-06 戰後台灣尼傳的蒐集與分析 YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-chen article web page(186)
2023-01 遊藝道法:李豐楙院士的收藏及其藝術與學術貢獻 SHU-WEI HSIEH article web page(117)
2023-11 A game-based learning system based on octalysis gamification framework to promote employees’ Japanese learning CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Li, Ming-Chaun、Kuo, Chih-Po article web page(284)
2023-08 From Community Engagement to Community Resilience: The Evolving Role of Public Libraries PEI CHUN LEE、Lee, Pei-Chun article web page(135)
2014-02 Second Only to the Original: Rhetoric and Practice in the Photographic Reproduction of Art in Early Twentieth-Century China YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu-jen article web page(82)
2018-10 Stealing Words, Transplanting Images: Stephen Bushell and the Intercultural Articulation of “Chinese Art” in the Early Twentieth Century YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu-jen article web page(91)
2018-06 書評:Chinese Painting and Its Audiences/Craig Clunas YU-JEN LIU、Liu, Yu-jen article web page(104)
2019-03 與他方相遇─「亞洲探險記」展出書畫作品選介 YU-JEN LIU article web page(115)
2022-12 蘭千故宮緣:記「蘭千山館」寄存文物對國立故宮博物院的意義 YU-JEN LIU article web page(225)
2023-05 The "Law-Abiding" Controversy and the Change of Political System in the Sui and Early Tang Dynasties TE-CHUAN WANGTE-CHUAN WANG article web page(180)web page(152)
2023-12 Analysis of Ming-Scholar Lu Han’s Theory of “Yuan,” “Heng,” “Li,” “Zhen” on Yixue Tushuo RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article pdf(144)
2023-03 Hu Chenggong's "Gongyang Ci Bing Jie" Quoted from Wu Jing Yi Yi about the Punctuation Problems in Citing Lost Texts HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(86)
2023-06 高明先生逝世三十週年紀念座談會紀錄(上) HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(101)
2023-04 A Preliminary Study of Digital Oracle Bone Photographs in the Nanjing Museum Collection HUNG-MING LINHUNG-MING LIN article web page(74)
2023-06 論衡與指南──高仲華先生《高明文學論叢》述要 CHENG-WEN CHEN article web page(66)
2023-06 A study on records of Xiaokeju of Taiwanese opera that maded in Singapore in the 1960s HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(113)
2023-07 立足傳統、返本開新—綜述臺灣南音與崑曲的繼承與發展 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(71)
2022-07 返本開新的《昭君.丹青怨》 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(70)
2023-05 An Analysis on Three Texts Adapted from Shihouji: The Interaction and Popularity within Qing Court Drama and Folk Drama HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(79)
2022-07 歌仔戲《昭君.丹青怨》劇本 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(100)