All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Periodical Articles)

Showing 2351-2375 of 3063
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-12 On the Legal Treatment of the Unexpected Contract by Culpa in Contrahendo PO-FENG CHOU article pdf(267)
2016-06 2016「TPP 的機遇與法規調適」研討會議記錄 江雅綺、葉懿倫、陳柏菁、徐仕瑋、YAO-MING HSUYAO-MING HSU article web page(582)
2018-03 中共人大審議國家監察法(草案)二稿簡析 WEN-CHIEH WANGWEN-CHIEH WANG article pdf(155)
2018-04 The Policy and Influence of China’s Fully Implementing Law-based Governance: Rule of Law Operations and Practices Centered on the Supervision Law WEN-CHIEH WANGWEN-CHIEH WANG article pdf(383)
2017-01 中國村鎮銀行之法律定位與運作 WEN-CHIEH WANGWEN-CHIEH WANG article web page(363)
2016-06 The Game Between Reform Policies and Legislation: Examining the Legislation Law Amendment of the People`s Republic of China WEN-CHIEH WANGWEN-CHIEH WANG article web page(267)
2018-01 The Idea of Person and Cultural Rule of Law: The Jurisprudence of Shun-Shin Hong YU-LIN CHIANGYU-LIN CHIANG article web page(294)
2019-07 Observing the Development and Implementation of “Content Supervision” on Standardized Consumer Contracts from Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions -A Case Study of the Penalty Clause Under the Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Pre-Sale House Standard Contracts JIIN-YU WUJIIN-YU WU article web page(343)
2018 論過失共同正犯之因果替代功能 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU conference
2018-03 正當防衛與不法侵害的現在性 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(259)
2018-01 侵入建築物罪的攻擊客體與保護法益--簡評台灣高等法院105年度上易字第1405號刑事判決 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(392)
2018-07 持用公務加油卡支付私車油費的刑事責任──評最高法院100年度台上字第1060號刑事判決 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(398)
2018-09 On the Issue of the Possession of Firearms by Taiwanese Aborigines HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article pdf(265)
2018-05 Self Defense Concerning Deadly Weapon Use of Police: A Case Study of the 2016 Supreme Court Criminal Decision Taifei Zi No. 88 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(455)
2018-11 退避義務與防衛手段的必要性 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(276)
2018-08 商業賄賂罪立法方向評析 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article pdf(168)
2018-10 The Reformulation of WTO Regime: Wrestling between Revisionist & Status Quo Actor YAO-MING HSUYAO-MING HSU article pdf(320)
2019-07 內陸國之近海通行權?──2018國際法院關於近用太平洋協商義務案(玻利維亞訴智利)述評 YAO-MING HSUYAO-MING HSU article web page(323)
2014-01 論督促程序中相對人之程序保障——以有理由性審查之充實為核心 民事訴訟法研究會第一百二十二次研討紀錄 SHWU-WEN YANGSHWU-WEN YANG article web page(283)
2019-01 股東代表訴訟可否對已卸任之董監事提起?──最高法院106年度台上字第2420號民事判決評析 LEN-YU LIULEN-YU LIU article web page(444)
2016-02 由正犯概念尋覓間接正犯之法理依據 黃奕文、Huang, Yi -Wen article web page(173)
2017-12 Reflections on the Standard of “Initiate a Crime” in Criminal Law: Exploring the Interpretation of Our Criminal Law with German Opinion 黃奕文、Huang, Yi -Wen article web page(236)
2018-09 Reflections on the Legal Grounds of Guarantor`s Obligations: Between Ontology and Normativity 黃奕文、Huang, Yi -Wen article pdf(571)
2016-11 Re-examine the Problem of Negligent Accomplice—The Theories in Germany 黃奕文、Huang, Yi -Wen article web page(220)
2019-03 On the Location of Risiko Modifikation Case in the System of Criminal Liability -Focusing on German Theory 黃奕文、Huang, Yi -Wen article pdf(323)