All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 14376-14400 of 15427
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013-05 Contexts of a persons`s prior intentions facilitate observational learning in 2.5-year-old children CHI-TAI HUANGCHI-TAI HUANG article pdf(1088)
2017-09 帶著詩與大提琴叛離曼谷 SHE-FONG CHUNG、Zhong, Shi-Fang article pdf(187)
2014-03 Measuring and Explaining the Electoral Fortunes of Small Parties in Taiwan`s Party Politics Fell, Dafydd article pdf(440)
2010-05 漫步異常應計:核心概念、計算程序與應用 WU-CHUN CHI article web page(765)
2015-02 中國大陸推動「一帶一路」與亞洲基礎設施投資銀行之戰略意涵 黃美鳳 article pdf(404)
2014-07 教師走出負面情緒3處方 CHIH-YU CHAN article web page(563)
2010 Antecedents and consequences of cross-media usage: A study of a TV program`s official web site JHIH-SYUAN LINJHIH-SYUAN LIN、Cho, Chang-Hoan article pdf(497)
2012.12 平議維持轉售價格對市場競爭之影響與違法判斷標準:從美國Leegin案談起 王俊雯、王立達* article web page(517)
2011-11 ERP success in the SMEs: The perspectives of Service Quality and Social Cognitive Theory WEI-HSI HUNGWEI-HSI HUNG、Chang, Li-Min、Yen, David C.、Ho, Chin-Tsang、Chiang, Mei-Chen article pdf(236)
2013.07 中國大陸中大城市住宅需求彈性的差異性分析 CHU-CHIA LIN、林素菁、游士儀、CHU-CHIA LIN、 Lin, Sue-Jing 、 You, Shih-Yi article pdf(1070)
2010-06 Same bed, different dreams: A comparative analysis of the growth and performance of SOEs in northeast and south China Hu, F.Z.Y.、Lin, George Chusheng article web page(987)
2015-09 農地改革、產權界定與土地市場 TZU-CHIN LINHSIU-YIN DINGTZU-CHIN LINHSIU-YIN DING article web page(878)
2013-06 公職詐欺與財產損害—以臺灣高等法院99年度矚上易字第2號刑事判決為討論中心 HENG-DA HSU article web page(528)
2013.12 知識的跨域汲取與生產:我的移地研究經驗 HAO YANG、Yang, Hao article pdf(781)
2011-06 Model Construction and Residues Analysis with Fuzzy Data Yu, Chun-Yi、游鈞毅、Li, Wen-Xing article pdf(496)
2016-01 The Structural Analysis of Value Creation for Innovation: Evidence from Taiwan`s Electronics Industry CHENG-JEN HUANG、林秉孝、Huang, Cheng-Jen、Lin, Ping-Hsiao article pdf(501)
2016-05 On the Constitutionality and Legality of the Regulation on Tobacco Packaging under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act in Taiwan TZONG-DER LIOU article web page(327)
2011.03 The Role of Ownership on Control Right Allocation and Compensation Contract Design LEN-KUO HU、Lin,Yu-Hsin、LEN-KUO HU article pdf(874)
2010 「病人」、「犯人」或「個人」?男性家暴「加害人」之再認識 TSEN-YUNG WANGTSEN-YUNG WANG article pdf(1087)
2013-04 Message-Efficient Service Management Schemes for MOM-Based UPnP Networks CHUN-FENG LIAOCHUN-FENG LIAO、Fu,Li-Chen、Chang,Hsin-Chih article pdf(503)
2012-06 A Forgotten New Term: Bolixitiende in Late Qing China KWANG-CHE PANKWANG-CHE PAN article pdf(366)
2015-06 密教佛典與通俗文學中的金翅鳥﹝四﹞ CHEN-HUNG KAO article web page(712)
2012-04 公司稅的中立性與逃漏稅行為 K.L.GLEN UENG、王伊君、K.L.GLEN UENG、Wang,Yi-Chun article pdf(953)
2015 Improvisational Capabilities in e-Commerce Adoption: A Multiyear Comparison Tseng, Hsien-Lee、PIN-YU CHUPIN-YU CHUPIN-YU CHU article web page(979)
2015-09 Politicisation and De-Politicisation of Confucianism in Contemporary China: A Review of Intellectuals Wu, SHUFANG article web page(526)