All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 7651-7675 of 8595
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-02 Psychological Motives vs. Health Concerns: Predicting Smoking Attitudes and Promoting Anti-Smoking Attitudes CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1438)
2009-04 迷人的法西斯,與去政治的美學 LI-HSIN KUOLI-HSIN KUO book/chapter web page(837)
2015 Online political participation and attitudes: Analyzing election user-generated videos in 2011 Singapore TSUI-CHUAN LIN、Lin, T. T. C. article web page(801)
2024 ESG Communication and Decision-making Practices Among Corporate Stakeholders: A Comparative Analysis of Two Cases 張英琪、Chang, Ying-Chi thesis pdf(6)
2007.07 企業公關人員如何使用NSN:以證券公關人員為例 許恬忻 article pdf(443)
2001 碩士班-廣電所 90年 廣電所 exam pdf(310)
2006-06 What matters and changes in condom use? Public perceptions and practices before and after the 2004 HIV/AIDS campaign in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling conference pdf(938)
2003 為女性傳播工作者塑像︰以女報人、傳播界女主管為例(4/5) 翁秀琪 report pdf(3695)
2013 Researches of Anchorperson’s Career Transformation 高文音、Kao,Wen Yin thesis
1990-04 Communication Research in Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect KUO-JEN TSANG conference
2018 An action of research on the issues of online self-learning that crosses disciplines : using MOOCs courses to learn front end web development 黎映君、Li, Ying-Chun thesis pdf(417)
1971-03 大眾傳播道德 徐佳士 article
1995 框架理論再探:以台大女研社A片事件為例 WEI-WEN CHUNG conference
1994-01 由ATEL看加拿大的高畫質視訊產業 BONNIE PENG article
2022 An Investigation of the Relationships among Media and Fatigue:the Frequency of Using Visual Aid as a Moderator 蔡岱橤、Tsai, Tai-Jui thesis pdf(134)
2020-09 實驗方法與設計 SHU-FANG LIN、Lin, Shu‐Fang book/chapter
2002-05 傳播教育通識化,宜學宜術 吳翠珍 article pdf(1157)
2002-05 資料庫裡找新聞:探討「資料庫輔助新聞報導」 PAI-LIN CHENPAI-LIN CHEN article pdf(1569)
1977 刻板印象—人格特質與媒介使用之關聯性—「根」影集的效果研究 林盛豐 thesis web page(422)
2017-06 Framing the news on Facebook: The analysis of the leads 陳品丞、Chen, Pin-Cheng conference pdf(242)
1970-01 廣播電視新聞的發展及其趨勢 李瞻、林安吉 article
1997 公共關係 : 理論、策略與研究實例 HSIU-HUI SUNHSIU-HUI SUN book/chapter web page(1549)
2008 日本動畫文本與日本昔話之關連—以《神隱少女》個案為例 周慕姿 thesis web page(555)
2009-06 國際新聞傳播問題與聯合國教科文組織之決議案 李瞻 multimedia
2014-06 社群媒體之監控形成 ── 「分享」意識型態之規訓 蔡依桃、Chuah, Thoo conference pdf(190)