All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 8051-8075 of 8595
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 Design and Implementation of a Personalized Restaurant Recommendation System 黃資雅 thesis
2001-07 2000年總統大選候選人網站分析 TZU-LEONG CHENG、刑縱任、馬方哲、戴文玲 article
2018 A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of New Energy Vehicles: A Case Study of the People`s Daily (2007-2017) 湯海波、HAIBO, TANG thesis pdf(43)
2008-02 Climate change or global warming: How does government expand its persuasive power via scientific discourse in E-government system? YI-HSING HAN、Han, Yi-Hsing conference web page(267)
2022 Writer`s Notes on the Film Script When mending each other`s pain 林昕玗、Lin, Sin-Yu thesis pdf(0)
2017-06 政黨認同對於政治知識的動機性推理影響 湯晏甄、TSUNG-HAN TSAI、張傳賢 article pdf(567)
1978-09 記者的地位、權力和能耐 徐佳士 article
1972 各類傳播對台灣農民投票行為之影響 袁新勇 thesis web page(429)
2006-07 數位化媒體教育課程實驗初探與省思:以中正大學中正e報為例 CHIUNG-WEN HSU conference
2024 Pursuing 'excellence': The impact of inspirational media on self-improvement motivation and prosocial behavior motivation 洪名遠、Hung, Ming-Yuan thesis pdf(0)
1977-07 電視與兒童的智能及行為傾向 徐佳士 article
2010 Core competency of journalists: a literature review 李惠琳、Li, Hui Lin thesis pdf(703)
2010 Experiential marketing of 3C flagship stores 黃郁雲 thesis pdf(1852)
1998 中港台新聞人員之比較研究 VEN-HWEI LO、陳文、潘忠黨 conference
2009 新聞史研究的困境 潘家慶 article pdf(316)
2013-06 大眾傳播研究之敘事取向―另一後設理論思路之提議 KUO-JEN TSANGYEAN TSAI、Tsang, Kuo-Jen、YEAN TSAI article pdf(716)
2014 Framing Effect: The Influence of "Facebook Lead" on Science News Comprehension 陳姵如、Chen, Pei Ju thesis pdf(511)
1997-01 媒體是公害已非誇大之詞:電視媒體病情嚴重 翁秀琪 article
2010-01 基因改造食品的新聞框架分析 謝君蔚、MEI-LING HSU conference web page(962)
2010-07 Impacts of perceptual disparity and information source diversity on climate change support and personal actions in Taiwan Mei-Ling Hsu、Yie-Jing Yang conference
2010 The Gordian Knot of Mobile TV Policy in Singapore TSUI-CHUAN LIN、Lin, T. T. C. article pdf(498)
2021-06 Exploring the Operation Modes of Disinformation on Social Media: Two Political Disinformation Cases in Taiwan YU-CHUNG CHENG、Cheng, Yu-Chung article pdf(325)
2006-12 Ad Repetition and Variation in a Competitive Ad Context CHING-CHING CHANG article
2017 Return to the era of carnivalization? Exploring the significance of Live Streaming Video in game live case 黃勝淋 thesis pdf(778)
1997 民意理論與研究取向—一個多元層級觀點的整合 楊意菁 conference pdf(511)