All Of Publications(Limit:Journals of NCCU)

Showing 12626-12650 of 12685
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-06 The Emerging Middle Class in Post-Colonial Macao: Structure, Profile, and Mobility 王家英、尹寶珊、Wong, Timothy Ka-Ying、Wan, Po-San article pdf(389)
2011-06 中國與印度:重新定義能源安全的範例 斯瓦蘭, 辛格、Singh, Swaran article pdf(327)
2000-05 Using XML framework for electronic document delivery system 余顯強、Yu, Shien-chiang、陳瑞順、Chen, Ruey-shun article pdf(250)
1984-08 台北市使用各型交通工其通勤公務人員交通安全意識的調查分析 藍三印、林孟導 article web page(586)web page(490)
2007-05 美中戰略經濟對話之意義 卓慧菀 article web page(359)
2018-12 The Institutional Analysis of the Regulatory Predicaments in China’s Financial Sector CHUNG-MIN TSAICHUNG-MIN TSAI article pdf(245)
1999-07 當前台灣近似媒體觀察組織的幾個盲點 林照真 article pdf(154)
2015-04 新加坡的經濟成就與後李光耀時代的挑戰 戴萬平 article pdf(236)
1996-05 The Network Development and the Electronic Media 賈玉輝、Jea, Yu-huei article pdf(232)
1987-08 國小學生學習寫中文字錯誤之分析:個案研究  LIU, LIU article web page(655)web page(648)
2004-05 A Comparison of Voting Coalitions in the Legislative Yuan before and after Party Turnover of the Year 2000 黃秀瑞、Hawang, Shiow-Duan article pdf(362)
2021-03 Will the Sino-Vatican Relationship Follow the "Vietnam Model?": A Viewpoint on Constructivism 姚祺、Yao, Qi article pdf(212)
1995-07 性別知識的生產--以國內傳播學院的性別論述之生產為例 顧玉珍 article web page(422)
2018-03 トランプ政権の登場と日本の外交戦略―北朝鮮・中国・ロシア― 東郷和彦 article pdf(129)
1997-06 人工生殖子女婚生地位之認定[研討會記錄] 王作仁、HSIU-HSIUNG LIN、陳美伶 article web page(312)
1970-06 American Law on Patent License 甯育豐 article web page(324)
2004-08 歐盟與拉丁美洲經貿及區域合作關係 陳勁、Chen, Ching article pdf(431)
1997-10 The Development of Japanese Party Politics in the Post-Cold War Era 曹瑞泰、Tsao, Ruey-Tai article pdf(211)
2019-06 Millennials Also Speak Out: Summary to the Seminar on One Hundred Years Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement from the Perspective of Long-term and East-Asian History 呂欣、Lu, Hsin article web page(158)
2019-12 The Application of Instructional Self-Talk on Attentional type CHING-CHUNG WANGCHING-CHUNG WANGKAO-TSAN WU、Wu, Kao-Tsan、黃僅喻、Huang, Chin-Yu article pdf(328)
2022-12 進入新階段的日韓關係:逐漸定型的歷史認知該如何打破? 木村幹、Kimura, Kan article pdf(224)
2011-07 媒介訊息如何獲得注意力: 突出或相關?認知取徑媒體研究之觀點 陶振超、Tao, Chen-Chao article pdf(344)
1970-12 Book Reviews:1.Thomas Buergenthal 丘宏達 article web page(304)
2000.05 臺灣地區電話隨機撥號抽樣方法之研究 洪永泰、黃永政、Hung, Yung-Tai 、 Huang, Yung-Cheng article pdf(1583)
2022-12 Role of Grit in Moderating the Effect of Fear of COVID-19 熊師瑤、張宥沁、Hsiung, Shih-Yao、Chang, Yu-Chin article web page(212)