All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、2010-2019)

Showing 126-150 of 388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 A Study on the Dispute over the Annotations between the Zheng Mai Shu and the Yuan Tong Shu of Śūraṅgama Sūtra : the “Four Decisive Factors” versus the “Anti-Four Decisive Factors” 雷承平、Lei, Cheng Ping thesis pdf(1832)
2013 Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan and China. YEN-ZEN TSAIYEN-ZEN TSAI book/chapter web page(1799)
2013 Introduction YEN-ZEN TSAIYEN-ZEN TSAI book/chapter web page(1606)
2013 宗教當作音樂:一個類比觀點 YEN-ZEN TSAIYEN-ZEN TSAI article web page(1020)
2013 How Syncretic Is Taiwanese Religion? A Discussion of Its Category Formation and Research Method Based on the Religious Experience Survey in Taiwan (REST 2009) YEN-ZEN TSAI article web page(1815)
2014.05 Book Review The Heavenly Court: Daoist Temple Painting in China 1200-1400 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article pdf(1652)
2013 中共宗教政策的制度面分析 YUAN-LIN TSAIYUAN-LIN TSAI article pdf(2030)
2013-05 流動的罪:中國中古時期的懺悔與救度 SHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter web page(1216)
2010-04 出家による社会進出-戦後台湾における女性僧侶の生き方 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1274)
2014 A Study on social welfare in Islam: base on Quran and Hadith 劉柏君、Liu, Po Chun thesis pdf(1541)
2010-12 Book Review: John F. Copper, ed. Taiwan: Nation-State or Province? CHENG-TIAN KUOCHENG-TIAN KUO article pdf(1254)
2013 Han astrology and political theology Construction of the Han Dynasty 黃世儀 thesis web page(860)
2014 Defining the Roles and Function of City-Gods through the Accompanying Deities in the Temples―― With an Emphasis on City-God Temples in Taiwan 林俞君、Lin, Yu Chun thesis pdf(5619)
2014 Broadening Notions of Daoist Offering Rituals: A Case Study of Late Imperial Numinous Officer Liturgies (Lingguan jiaoke 靈官醮科) of Hubei and Jiangxi 費昭、Feezell, Tyler thesis pdf(375)
2013 動盪與穩定的抉擇:廣州商人與孫中山的革命運動(1920-1926) 胡其瑞 book/chapter pdf(651)
2013-12 基督新教循道會與中國內地會在黔西北苗族地區傳教工作之比較 胡其瑞 article pdf(726)
2015 The Star Mandate and Destiny: Analyze the Healing Practice of Great Dipper from Luck Replenishing Ritual 孫美子 thesis pdf(3422)
2013 從道法關係論地方宗教網絡:以台南和意堂為核心的考察 SHU-WEI HSIEH report pdf(2013)
2013 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:當代世界宗教---全球化與在地化 YU-CHEN LIJYI-SHANE LIU report pdf(312)web page(749)
2015 Transformation of the Local Church in Taiwan (1984~2015) :Theological and Ecclesiological Factors 張證豪、Chang, Cheng Hao thesis pdf(1930)
2014 全球化潮流下的當代中國基督徒:身份意識與社群建構之探討 YEN-ZEN TSAI report pdf(431)
2014 心靈、因果、與責任:以台灣為基地建構具東亞學術主體性的全球網絡---(子計畫八)伊本西納的身心靈整合論的形上學探索 YUAN-LIN TSAI report pdf(562)
2015 Under the Perspectives of Chinese Medicine, TaiChiQuan and Inner Alchemy of Hu Haiya to Approach the Modern Elixir 黃啟文、Huang, Chi Wen thesis pdf(598)
2015 辛亥革命后袁世凱對民眾信仰態度探析 張月荷 article pdf(686)
2015 The International Development of Religious Non-profit Organizations–A Case Study of the Local Churches Propagating in Taiwan and Southeast Asia 范俊銘、Fan, Chun Ming thesis pdf(816)