All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14676-14700 of 15068
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012 Writing Chinese or Typing Chinese? Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Assisted Instruction for Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreign Students in Comparison With Traditional Approaches 黃亦敏 thesis pdf(2908)pdf(931)
2009.03 檔案資源互通檢索技術發展與系統建置構想 CHIAO-MIN LIN article pdf(766)
2024 Li Poetry Society’s early poetic style and their birth of “Hsiang-tu” consciousness.(1964-1974) 張國勳、Chang, Kuo-Hsun thesis pdf(3)
1989-07 新加坡的外交政策 HURNG-YU CHEN article
2024 The Study on Adoption of CSL YouTube Videos as Cross-Cultural Learning Materials-A Case Study about Lee Sister Ch 高怡麟、Kao, I-Lin thesis pdf(0)
1982 正史列女傳研究 李美娟、Li, Mei-Juan thesis web page(351)
2003 A study of glides in formosan languages : acoustic evidence for a constraint-based approach 朱玉芬 thesis web page(448)
2004 漢譯佛典中帝釋形象的敘事研究 朱秋敏 thesis web page(603)
2007/12/1 蔣中正對韓戰的認知與因應 WEI-KAI LIU conference
2018-11 明治維新150周年記念国際シンポジウム「九州から見た明治維新とアジアの近代化」 PEI-CHEN WUPEI-CHEN WU conference web page(492)
2014 Behind the miracle: human development and inequality in Taiwan, 1960-2012 郝凱揚、Hawkins, Nicholas B. thesis pdf(371)
2013-04 以「傳奇」志現代: 論徐訏上海羅曼司的文學特質與文化意涵 SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN article web page(610)
2021-12 Perception of synthesized flectional tones in Mandarin Chinese by native Chinese speakers and Korean L2 learners JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Li, Chen conference pdf(247)
2008 Subject Change between Citing and Cited Literature on Digital Libraries MING-YUEH TSAYMING-YUEH TSAY article pdf(1549)
2005-09 宗教融合的理論與實踐:以早期基督教為例 YEN-ZEN TSAIYEN-ZEN TSAI article
2020-01 On the Quotation and Interpretation of Ritual Records in Fengsu Tongyi WEN-SHIN JENGWEN-SHIN JENG report web page(276)
2007-12 唐朝官方放貸機構試論 TUNG-HWA LO article pdf(1337)
2003-09 現代小說概論 TANG-CHI CHANG book web page(687)
2014 The Development of Chinese Maritime Customs Service around China (1882-1895) 侯彥伯、Hou, Yen Po thesis pdf(1621)
1994-01 南京失陷前後陶德曼[Oskar Trautmann]之調停中日戰爭--據「徐永昌日記」資料 蔣永敬 article
1984 今存十種唐人選唐詩考 呂光華 thesis web page(585)
2023-12 從戴維森到德斯科拉:宋代哲學思想的當代意義 KAI MARCHAL multimedia pdf(2)
2005-05 東漢佛經的同素異序詞 CHIA-NING CHU conference
2003 司馬遷與儒、道思想之關係───以《史記》為討論中心 鄧金城 thesis web page(68)
1990-03 戴玄之 林能士 article pdf(980)