All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts)

Showing 14801-14825 of 15211
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-07 An Image Retrieval System Based on Automatic Image Annotation to Facilitate Digital Humanities Research CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Lin, Chun-Yu、Chang, Chih-Hung conference web page(453)
2018-06 我國編目館員編目專業能力認知與工作績效研究 MEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANG article pdf(422)
2006-06 塞凡提(Miguel de Cervantes, 1547~1616) SHOU-NAN WANG article pdf(555)
2021-12 華語為繼承語和第二語言習得:以三聲變調感知為例 CHUNG-YU CHEN、Chen, Chung-yu、石基琳、Shih, Chilin article pdf(307)
1995-05 試論重紐的語音 CHIA-NING CHU conference
2024-11 The History of Taiwan: Korea’ Relations and the Current Status of Korean Studies in Taiwan MAL-SOON CHOI conference
2007-09 台灣教育部檔案介紹 The archives of ministry of education in Taiwan GUO-SIAN LINGUO-SIAN LIN article web page(499)
2016 Botanical Survey of Taiwan during the Early Japanese Colonial Period (1895-1921) SZU-WEI TSAI、Tsai, Szu Wei thesis web page(674)
2008-04 蔣經國晚年政治改革的歷史評論 HUA-YUAN HSUEH conference
1992-06 有線電視法草案面面觀 蔡明誠、GEORGETTE WANGSHANG-REN KWANCHIEN-SAN FENG、 閻沁恆 article
2022-10 明《獅吼記.鬧祠》傳奇到崑壇〈夢怕〉、〈三怕〉的演化傳播探析 HSIN-HSIN TSAI conference pdf(75)
2018 Vow-making Rituals in Modern Taiwan 胡學丞 thesis pdf(987)
2016-11 Colonial Past, Contesting Present, Neo-colonial Future: Representations of the ‘China Factor’ in the Latest Hong Kong Cinema TING-YING LIN、Lin, Ting-ying conference pdf(36)
2003-04 論出土秦簡牘所見之長幼觀念及文化意義 YEN-MEY HUNG conference
2009.03 檔案資源互通檢索技術發展與系統建置構想 CHIAO-MIN LIN article pdf(784)
2012 Writing Chinese or Typing Chinese? Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Assisted Instruction for Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreign Students in Comparison With Traditional Approaches 黃亦敏 thesis pdf(2911)pdf(931)
2024 Li Poetry Society’s early poetic style and their birth of “Hsiang-tu” consciousness.(1964-1974) 張國勳、Chang, Kuo-Hsun thesis pdf(3)
1989-07 新加坡的外交政策 HURNG-YU CHEN article
2024 The Study on Adoption of CSL YouTube Videos as Cross-Cultural Learning Materials-A Case Study about Lee Sister Ch 高怡麟、Kao, I-Lin thesis pdf(0)
1982 正史列女傳研究 李美娟、Li, Mei-Juan thesis web page(376)
2003 A study of glides in formosan languages : acoustic evidence for a constraint-based approach 朱玉芬 thesis web page(495)
2007/12/1 蔣中正對韓戰的認知與因應 WEI-KAI LIU conference
2004 漢譯佛典中帝釋形象的敘事研究 朱秋敏 thesis web page(635)
2018-11 明治維新150周年記念国際シンポジウム「九州から見た明治維新とアジアの近代化」 PEI-CHEN WUPEI-CHEN WU conference web page(523)
2014 Behind the miracle: human development and inequality in Taiwan, 1960-2012 郝凱揚、Hawkins, Nicholas B. thesis pdf(371)