All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、2010-2019)

Showing 151-175 of 639
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-09 為士之道:中唐士人的自省風氣 TE-CHUAN WANG book web page(979)
2014.03 情志過極,非藥可癒——試論金元明清的「以情勝情」療法 HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN article pdf(1131)
2012-09 酌古之要,適今之宜—杜佑與中唐士人自省風氣 TE-CHUAN WANG book/chapter web page(804)
2011-09 追尋終極的真實:顏元的生平與思想 JUI-SUNG YANG book web page(956)
2012.04 從南京到臺北——1949年“國府”遷臺經過 WEI-KAI LIU article pdf(3826)
2012.06 北伐時期的白崇禧 WEI-KAI LIU article web page(879)
2013 Pro-Taiwan Frameworks in Japan`s Liberal Democratic Party (1955-2000) 新井雄、YU ARAI thesis pdf(1115)
2013 A Study on the National Commission for the Preservation of Antiquities,1934~1937 陳世局 thesis pdf(1526)
2013 The “Gold and Silver Policies of 1930s” in United States—On the Base of Silver Purchase Act of 1934 (1932-1939) 沈瑜、Jennifer Yu Shen thesis pdf(1570)
2013 Dao-Zi in the Bei-Yang Government of China, 1912-1928 謝志輝、Hsieh, Chih Hui thesis pdf(280)
2012 Cheongsam without Manchu? The Research of Cheongsam in Modern China 蔡睿恂 thesis pdf(11790)
2013 The yue ling books in Late Ming-Focus on the "Yue ling cai qi" and "Ri she bian" 鄭曉波、Cheng, Hsiao Po thesis pdf(778)
2014-08 中國國民黨職名錄(1894-1994) WEI-KAI LIU book web page(1605)
2013 Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong `s military conduct in comparison: take Encirclement War for example 羅國儲 thesis pdf(2091)
2013 The Impact of \"Overseas Chinese Students’ Policy\" of Taiwan on the Development of Malaysian Chinese Education during 1954 and 1974 藍元鴻、Na, Yuan Horng thesis web page(513)
2014-04 国难期间应变图存问题之研究 WEI-KAI LIU book web page(1171)
2014-06 西力東漸前後的中朝關係:兼論〈中朝商民水陸貿易章程〉 MIN-SHU LIAO book/chapter web page(994)
2014-06 唐代的「同居」家庭 TUNG-HWA LO book/chapter web page(1204)
2011-01 唐代官人的父母喪制─以〈假寧令〉「諸喪解官」條為中心 TUNG-HWA LO book/chapter web page(1243)
2014.05 使徒保羅論哥林多教會中的婚姻與獨身議題 KUO-YU TSUIKUO-YU TSUI article pdf(837)
2013-12 影像近代中國 WEI-KAI LIU book web page(1132)
2014-06 蔣中正處理毛邦初事件之研究 WEI-KAI LIU book/chapter web page(1096)
2013-06 張羣與蔣中正的人事布局 WEI-KAI LIU book/chapter web page(945)
2013-12 《總理奉安紀念冊》及其作為史料的運用 WEI-KAI LIU book/chapter web page(879)
2011 Law of the Top Tower: The Legal Text of the Central Government of Ch`ing Dynasty and the Power Arrangement of Imperial China TZU-YU HSU thesis pdf(2184)