All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、2010-2019)

Showing 1601-1625 of 1797
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012 Management of Sleep Disorders – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANGTIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE book/chapter pdf(376)
2010 Architectural Design for GRID Clearinghouse Service KUO-HUIE CHIANGKUO-HUIE CHIANG、Chao, Kiekang book/chapter pdf(278)
2019 Psychological mechanisms influencing the public’s punitive attitudes toward blue-collar and white-collar crimes: the mediating effects of perceived threat, perceived competitiveness and class-based punishment. 陳彥禎、Chen, Yan-Jen thesis
2019 The Effects of Age and Tenure Diversity on Team Performance and Creativity:The Moderating Effects of Servant Leadership 簡嘉炫、Jian, Chia-Xuan thesis pdf(588)
2019 How to Attract Employees? Construct and Measurement Tools Development of Organizational Inducements 蔡懷文、Tsai, Huai-Wen thesis pdf(155)
2019 The association between sleep extension and plasma glucose metabolism in diabetes patient 陳詠寧、Tan, Yong-Ning thesis pdf(155)
2019 On the self-normalized central limit theorems for compound Poisson processes under infinite variances 程嵩硯、Chen, Song-yen thesis pdf(0)
2019 Exploring Experiences of Customer Incivility and Appraisal with Cluster Analysis: Coping Strategies and Psychological Adaptation between Different Patterns among Public Transit Frontline Employees 陳琇慧、Chen, Hsiu-Hui thesis pdf(1)
2019 The role of rat prefrontal cortex in risk-dependent choice 楊依樺、Yang, Yi-Hua thesis pdf(94)
2013-06 Coalescence in subcritical Bellman-Harris age-dependent branching processes JYY-I HONG、Hong, Jyy-I article pdf(180)
2013-09 An Application of the Coalescence Theory to Branching Random Walks JYY-I HONG、Hong, Jyy-I、Athreya, Krishna B. article pdf(359)
2015-02 Coalescence on Supercritical Multi-type Branching Processes JYY-I HONG、Hong, Jyy-I article pdf(224)
2015-03 Markov limit of line of decent types in a multitype supercritical branching process JYY-I HONG、Hong, Jyy-I、Athreya, Krishna B. article pdf(211)
2016-09 Coalescence on critical and subcritical multitype branching processes JYY-I HONG、Hong, Jyy-I article pdf(240)
2018-02 Coalescence on supercritical Bellman-Harris branching processes JYY-I HONG、Hong, Jyy-I、Athreya, Krishna B. article pdf(244)
2019 Effects of Dongshi movement intervention on social engagement in young children with autism spectrum disorder 蘇怡菁、Su, Yi-Ching thesis pdf(132)
2019 The boundary condition of knowledge partitioning in categorization: category structure with discrete dimensions 張軒、TSAI-YEN LI thesis pdf(173)
2019 Exploring the effect of life change and community resources on psychological symptoms and quality of life in the aftermath of Taiwan gas explosion in Kaohsiung 高晟洋、Kao, Cheng-Yang thesis pdf(7)
2019 Development and Psychometric Properties of the Preoperative Cancer Patient’s Worry Scale (PCPWS) 李昀芷、Li, Yun-Jhih thesis pdf(66)
2019 The Developmental Trajectories of Hypnotic Use Frequency and the Associated Factors: A phone-call follow-up research 李昇晃、Lee, Shen-Kwang thesis pdf(151)
2019 Exploring the function of consciousness: the extent of semantic processing under continuous flash suppression 張惟楨、Chang, Wei-Chen thesis pdf(35)
2019 Grieving temporality: the “becoming” relationship and ethical bond between caregivers and deceased patients 李宛霖、Lee, Wan-Lin thesis pdf(1)
2019 Patterns of Developmental Trajectories of Symptom Severity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 林楷潔、Lin, Kai-Chieh thesis pdf(40)
2019 Exploration of Theory of Mind and Executive Function in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder : Relationship with Symptom Severity and Adaptive Function 陳昱伶、Chen, Yu-Ling thesis pdf(192)
2019 Exploring the Relationships of Illness Perception, 
Coping Strategy, and Quality of Life: A Longitudinal Study in Post-surgical Head and Neck Cancer Patients 陳品樺、Chen, Pin-Hua thesis pdf(41)