All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science)

Showing 2226-2250 of 5517
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-06 中文版睡眠失功能信念及態度量表之信、效度探討 CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANG article pdf(2232)
2013.07 A Mathematical Model of Enterprise Competitive Ability and Performance through Emden-Fowler Equation (II) MENG-RONG LIYUE-LOONG CHANG、Li Yu-Tso、YUE-LOONG CHANG article pdf(1693)
2011.05 A mathematical model of Enterprise competitive ability and performance through a particular Emden-Fowler Equation JEN-TE PAIMENG-RONG LIYUE-LOONG CHANG、Chiu Su-Miao、YUE-LOONG CHANG article pdf(1431)
2010・07 「領導競爭力」之提升乃「人才升級」、「產業升級」與「富國經濟」之關鍵 YUE-LOONG CHANG article
2005.02 組織、個人「競爭力」與組織獲利、個人財富之相關研究 YUE-LOONG CHANG article pdf(1062)
2004.09 政府與企業知識工作者之「核心能力」、「良好習慣」、與「壓力調適」、以及「競爭力」之評鑑與培訓(下篇) YUE-LOONG CHANG article pdf(921)
2004.08 政府與企業知識工作者之「核心能力」、「良好習慣」、與「壓力調適」、以及「競爭力」之評鑑與培訓(上篇) YUE-LOONG CHANG article
2012 Conceptualization and Empirical Studies on Chinese Authoritarian Orientation: An Indigenous Approach 簡晉龍、Chien, Chin Lung thesis pdf(1077)
2012 An explorative research of gender preference in Taiwan: from perspectives of social class and marital status 王采蘋、Wang, Tsai Ping thesis pdf(404)
2012 The prediction of insulin injection intention among patients with type 2 diabetes: an application of TPB and exploring the impact of emotions 張榮哲、Chang, Jung Che thesis pdf(333)
2012 On the algorithms for the compatibility of bivariate finite conditional distributions 劉軒志 thesis pdf(537)
2012 On the compatibility issues of three-dimensional conditional distributions by eigenvector approach 高裕哲、Kao, Yu Che thesis pdf(470)
2012 The best reference point method for the modification of the conditional distribution odds ratio matrices 郭俊佑 thesis pdf(467)
2012 A comparison between maximun likelihood estimation and maximun pseudo-likelihood estimation using three bivariate continuous distributions 張嘉福 thesis pdf(700)
2013 Fuzzy correlation analysis with student`s commuting time and academic performance 王恩誠 thesis pdf(253)
2012 Calculating Rank of Discrete Divisors on Tropical Curves 張穎泓 thesis pdf(570)
2012 The relationship between microglia and adult neurogenesis after adrenalectomy 連文瑜、Lien, Wen Yu thesis
2012 Statistical and Dynamical Properties of Returns Using High Frequency 1-day Moving Averages For Collections of U.S Stocks Over 1996-1999 王柏淵、Wang, Bo Yuan thesis pdf(1319)
2012 Graph-based vulnerability analyses on power grid and associated protection strategies against cascading failures 易敬剛、Yi, Ching Kang thesis web page(432)
2012 Study of Anisotropic Interface Magnetoresistance of Fe, Co, Ni, CuNi and Pt, Pd Combination Multilayered System 張哲鈞、Chang, Che Chun thesis pdf(1064)
2012 Synthesis and Characterization of Topological Insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te3-ySey , y=1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 王冠淵、Wang, Kuan Yuan thesis pdf(231)
2012 Single-crystal growth and pressure effect on superconducting critical temperature of CeCo1-xRuxIn5 (x=0-0.5) 鄭翔誌 thesis pdf(248)
2012 The application of parallel Python in SCMDS 李沛承、Lee, Pei Cheng thesis pdf(767)
2009 The way of relationship management:The life story of the excellent Salesperson 許正俊 thesis pdf(382)
2010 The Influence of Self-focused Attention on Social Anxious Individuals in a Social Threat Context:The Exploration on the Imagery, the Observer Perspective, and the Anxiety Emotion 陳品皓、Chen,Pin Hao thesis pdf(1567)