All Of Publications

Showing 145101-145125 of 145225
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-03 The transnational family: A typology and implications for work-family balance. CHO EUNAE、Cho, Eunae、Allen, Tammy D. article web page(16)
2010-03 We (sometimes) know not how we feel: Predicting job performance with an implicit measure of trait affectivity CHO EUNAE、Cho, Eunae、Johnson, R. E.、Tolentino, A. L.、Rodopman, O. B article web page(24)
2019-06 Work stressors and partner social undermining: Comparing negative affect and psychological detachment as mechanisms CHO EUNAE、Cho, Eunae、Meier, Laurenz L. article web page(26)
2014-03 Work-family boundary dynamics CHO EUNAE、Cho, Eunae、Allen, Tammy D.、Meier, Laurenz L. article web page(18)
2011-01 Work-family research: A broader view of impact CHO EUNAE、Cho, Eunae、Johnson, R. C.、Kiburz, K. M.、Dumani, S.、Allen, T. D. article web page(16)
2013-03 Work-to-family conflict and the family dinner: What makes a difference? CHO EUNAE、Cho, Eunae、Allen, Tammy D. article web page(30)
2024-12 Exploring the Value Creation Process of Organizational Digital Transformation: Dynamic Capabilities Perspective FENG-SHANG WU、沈柏延、姚成彥、WEN-NAN TSANFENG-SHANG WU、Shen, Bo-Yen、Yao, Chen-Yen、Tsan, Wen-Nan article web page(35)
2024-10 Expert Witness and Intellectual Property Litigation HUNG-YU CHUANG、Chuang, Luke Hung-Yu article web page(27)
2024-11 New Technology Formulation and Regulatory Competition: Study of American and German Autonomous Driving Regulations HUNG-YU CHUANG、Chuang, Hung-Yu article web page(25)
2024-09 AteMeVs: An R package for the estimation of the average treatment effects with measurement error and variable selection for confounders LI-PANG CHEN、Chen, Li-Pang、Yi, Grace Y. article web page(26)
2024-10 EATME: An R package for EWMA control charts with adjustments of measurement error LI-PANG CHEN、林政寬、Chen, Li-Pang、Lin, Cheng-Kuan article web page(22)
2024-07 Do the Personal Characteristics of CEOs Affect Disclosures about Goodwill Impairment Tests? I-MIN LIN、Lin, I-Min article web page(26)
2020-12 The Relationships among Characteristics of Interlocking Directorate Network, Technological Diversity and Innovation Performance: Evidence from Taiwan's Electronics Industry CHENG-JEN HUANG、張肇元、Huang, Cheng-Jen、Chang, Chao-Yuan article web page(22)
2024-10 透明度與社群媒體賦能 CHIH-YUAN CHOU、黃珺 article web page(30)
2024-09 Nature-based Solutions and Nature-related Financial Disclosures: New Opportunities for Taiwanese Businesses in International Aid WEN-CHI YANG article web page(17)
2022-12 The Age of Declining Democracy: The Approaches to Researching Democratic Backsliding 李其恩、Lee, Chi-En article web page(23)
2024-12 Contending the Original Sin Made in China or Made by China? Unpacking the Politics of China-invested Dam Construction Projects in Cambodia and Myanmar HAO YANG、韓翔、Yang, Alan Hao、Han, Kate Hsiang article web page(23)
2024-09 Issuance of the “Opinions on Punishing ‘Taiwan Independence’ Diehards” and Its Implications for China’s Taiwan Policy WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(19)
2021-12 Consumption Practices of Taiwan Civic Crowdfunding 2012-2019 張依萍、Chang, Yi-ping article web page(17)
2023-09 The Body That Counts: On the Digital Techniques of the Chinese Modern Dance CHIEH-TING HSIEH、Hsieh, Chieh-Ting article web page(12)
2023-09 Categories of Technology-facilitated Gender-Based Violence NIEN-HSUAN FANG、陳怡青、YU-CHU YEH article web page(22)
2023-06 Preliminary Research on the Prevalence of Digital Gender-Based Violence in Taiwan NIEN-HSUAN FANGYU-CHU YEH、陳怡青 article web page(25)
2024-09 Fighting Will: Are Taiwanese Citizens willing to Resist China’s Coercion? SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG、Wang, T.Y. conference web page(18)
2024-10 Intellectuals Matter: Investigating China’s Think Tanks’ Position on Taiwan via Scholars’ Public Comments WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG conference pdf(7)
2024-10 Navigating Polarization: Understanding Twitter's Dialogue on China in a Competitive Global Context WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG、Cheng, Yu-Chung、HSIN-HSIEN WANGSHINN-SHYR WANG conference web page(16)