Browsing by Author 黃葳威

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Showing results 4 to 23 of 232 < previous   next >
16-Dec-2008Communication in Uncertain Times黃葳威
14-Mar-2013Communication Strategies Across Religious Culture: taking Christianity and Buddhism in Taiwan as an example黃葳威
16-Dec-2008Cross-Cultural Communication Reexamined黃葳威
14-Mar-2013Examining Parents’Internet Literacy in Taiwan黃葳威
9-Jul-2010Exploring the demand for DAB and self-image in Taiwan黃葳威
9-Jul-2010The impacts of internet upon Chinese immigrants’ family communication黃葳威; Huang, Wei-wei
16-Dec-2008Rethinking Mass Media and Interpersonal Communication黃葳威
16-Dec-2008The right of acceess to mass media for deaf citizens in Taiwan . The right of acceess to mass media for deaf citizens in Taiwan黃葳威
16-Dec-2008The role of internet in attributional confidence and adaptation: taking Chinese immigrants in Richmond Surrey and Vancouver as an example黃葳威
9-Jul-2010the role of internet in undertainty reduction and adaptation: taking Chinese immigrants in Austin , Texas as an example黃葳威
16-Dec-2008Social Network Influence on Foreign Students黃葳威
25-Mar-2015The Effects of Internet upon Chinese Immigrants` Attributional Confidence黃葳威; Huang, Wei-Wei
25-Mar-2015The Influence of Social Networks on the Acculturation Behavior of Foreign Students黃葳威; Huang, Wei-Wei
1-Jun-2022《Unsaid》—攝影影像裝置創作論述李奕賢; Lee, Yi-Sian
14-Feb-2022中庭黃葳威; Huang, Wei-Wei
2-Sep-2020「今日香港,明日台灣」 之語藝分析 – 以「反對《逃犯條例》修訂草案運動」為例黃嘉慧; Wong, Ka-Wai