
Showing 476-500 of 1068
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 孫承一、Sun, Cheng Yi thesis
1994 Agricultural Land Use in Mailand China 杜曉杰、Duh, Sheau Jay thesis
1994 張學良與西安事變 佐藤幸世、Zuo Teng, Xing Shi thesis
1995 八十年代以後中共地方人大職權與功能之研究 董家均、Dong, Jia Jun thesis
1995 八○年代起大陸電影改革之研究 趙成儀、Zhao, Cheng-Yi thesis
1995 「六四事件」後中共對美國外交政策之研究(一九八九~一九九二) 顧義發 thesis
1995 The Study of Direct Transportation Cross Taiwan Strait Policy and Impact 葉吉欽 thesis
1995 一九八○年代中共國防現代化及其在外交政策上的運用 沈遠峰 thesis web page(340)
1995 中共軍隊在改革開放後的角色:持續與變遷 沈明室 thesis
1995 中共國務院組織及職能之研究 宋光景 thesis
1994 Mainland China Finacial Institution Reform and Effect Accumulation of Domestic Variable Capital 張弘遠、Chang, Hung Yuan thesis
1994 A Study of the PRC`S Negotiation Strategy and Tactics with Taiwan: Analysis on Kinmen Agreement Case 吳大平、Wu, Ta Ping thesis
1994 PRC`S Policy Toward the South China Sea: Diplomacy and Force Instrument in Operation 張執中、Chang, Chih Chung thesis
1994 Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development in Mainland China 曾喜炤、Tseng, Hsi Chao thesis
1994 A Study of PRC`S Commission for Discipline Inspection 林明昌、Lin, Ming Chang thesis
1994 National People`s Congress since the 1980s:An Examination of It` s Powers And Functions 劉文斌、Liu, Wen Pin thesis
1994 The Socialist Transformation of Mainland China`s Capitalist Industry and Commerce 王政、Wang, Cheng thesis
1994 Study on the Development of Mao Tse-tung`s Thoughts,1949-1957 劉祖光、Liu, Tsu Kuang thesis
1994 The CCP`s Process of decision making & Managing the Political Power Since 1980`s 河成柱、Ha, Sung Ju thesis
1994 Aging Problem in Mainland China 林進忠、Lin, Jinn Jong thesis
1994 The Reform of System of S. & T. of Mainland China 蕭慕明、Hsiao, Mu Ming thesis
1994 The Reform of Administration and Enterprise Management in China` s Shenzhen Enocomic Special Zone 林錦慧、Lin, Jin Hui thesis
1993 The Development of Mainland China`s Township Enterprises── A Study toward Wenzhou Model 許雪香、Hsu, Hsueh hsiang thesis
1994 The influence that the transformation comes from economic ins- titution on the strategy and efficiency of production develop- ment-a report for mainland china steal corporation. 陳榮昌、Chern, Rong Chang thesis
1994 Chinese Communists` Negotiating Tactic - Hong Kong`s Soverignty 薛寶樹、Shai, Bao Shue thesis